TMPM, [:
99% of Guys just go for looks for girls first, then for the inner beauty.
92% of Girls go for feelings first, then looks.
This shows girls treasure their relationship more than guys.
Everyone around me is having relationships now, except me.
Is it i'm not perfect?
Everyone has flaws right?
I'd tried my best to save this relationship between us.
But still, i failed.
Dear you, i liked you, but no more now. I LIKED YOU.
92% of Girls go for feelings first, then looks.
This shows girls treasure their relationship more than guys.
Everyone around me is having relationships now, except me.
Is it i'm not perfect?
Everyone has flaws right?
I'd tried my best to save this relationship between us.
But still, i failed.
Dear you, i liked you, but no more now. I LIKED YOU.
Came to post after ______ years. LOL! Exagerating.
Just feel like posting about 23-10-2010, a super meaningful day for me. LOL.
Actually didn't wanted to go to see those kpop idols till charmaine smsed me asked me whether i wanted to go anot, i jitao say YESSSS!
Then told her to meet at 1pm as heard shinee will reach sg at 215pm. :D
In the end charmaine cant go and went to conrad hotel with sophia. :D
Reached there around 215pm, saw quite alot fans there. so we stood there and wait.
First band to see was ZE:A! Cant see them much as they jsut went into the hotel and some fans blocking.
Just feel like posting about 23-10-2010, a super meaningful day for me. LOL.
Actually didn't wanted to go to see those kpop idols till charmaine smsed me asked me whether i wanted to go anot, i jitao say YESSSS!
Then told her to meet at 1pm as heard shinee will reach sg at 215pm. :D
In the end charmaine cant go and went to conrad hotel with sophia. :D
Reached there around 215pm, saw quite alot fans there. so we stood there and wait.
First band to see was ZE:A! Cant see them much as they jsut went into the hotel and some fans blocking.
Second band to see was FT Island. :D
Saw seunghyun full face and jonghun side face as he wearing sunglasses. Super shuai bodoh. Hongki wearing a beanie. :D
When they went into the hotel the security said no more band is coming then we was like what? Where is shinee? The guard say 530pm then got idols coming. So we went up to foodcourt and slacked awhile till 415pm we went down and waited.
Went to the entrace of the hotel around 445pm, when we walked there and waited, all those people came and waited there also.
So the guard put the fence thing or dont know what it called to block us.
We were at the first row in the beginning when without the fence thing, some DNA fans girls just went infront of us and stand. Like wtf.
okay nevermind.
First band to arrive was SHINee!
Saw Taemin face only! I dont know it was SHINee in the first place till i saw Taemin! HE SUPER CUTEEEEEE. Because there were some other people lol. Abit disappointed. But waiting for them to come out of the hotel. :D
Big bang and SNSD straight go to expo after they reached so cant see them. T_T
Okay nevermind.
First band to come out of the hotel was Infinite! Super shuai. :D although i dont know them lol.
Second band to come out was DNA! Then those DNA fans i think was stalkers went to chase them when DNA went into their vans and we were at the first row! :D
Saw super clearly.
Then is ZE:A who came out! I saw kwanghee!!!! He super CUTEEEE. They are the most 'good' band of all as they stood in the middle to let fans take pictures and bow at us while other idols just went into their vans. :D
After that was FT Island! Gosh! Saw hongki and jaejin! They walked super fast into their vans, but due to some seating arrangement problems their vans stopped and i saw jaejin super clearly! I kept waving at him when he look into my direction. In the first place he just looked at me waving, then few seconds later he waved back at me OMGGGGGGG. I was like super xingfu that time. :D Then he looked to another side. And when he looked back again i waved at him again he waved back again! :D then beside me was jaejin fans they all looked at me, LOL.
After that lastly is SHINee who came out! Saw Onew, taemin and key! Didnt manage to see minho. T_T only key waved to the fans who is near the van. others just walked into the van. T_T just its okay, manage to see them. :D
Then rushed to expo.
Met xinzhe and yisheng and walked to the back of hall 2. Manage to hear the whole concert! HAHAHA. After the concert, we waited for the vans to come out. Didnt manage to see anything as it was dark inside.
We missed the last train and tonned at airport. Super tired. Didnt catch glimpse of any idols at the airport.
But, 23-10-2010 was a super FUN day! :D
After thousands of minutes, i'd come to post again.
Although my blog is dead, but it's okay. :)
I also not sure what to post anyway. Haha.
In 3 more weeks time, exam starts.
Then in less than 2 month time, holiday.
Time passes damn fast.
Then it was, 2011.
Everything changes, people changes, things changes.
How i wish everything will remain the same.
Despite last time or now or future.
Noone can change fate anyway.
I think my life just suck too much.
How i wish everything don't change except my life.
I wanted it to change.
But, let fate decide my destiny. :)
Although my blog is dead, but it's okay. :)
I also not sure what to post anyway. Haha.
In 3 more weeks time, exam starts.
Then in less than 2 month time, holiday.
Time passes damn fast.
Then it was, 2011.
Everything changes, people changes, things changes.
How i wish everything will remain the same.
Despite last time or now or future.
Noone can change fate anyway.
I think my life just suck too much.
How i wish everything don't change except my life.
I wanted it to change.
But, let fate decide my destiny. :)
It's monday today and no school! (Y)
wanted to go see fireworks at esplanade later, but i wonder who will go with me since my clique said that they do not want to.
or just stay at home and watch teevee.
Went for interview in subway yesterday, sucks.
Dislike dislike dislike.
The one who is there for me isn't the one i thought it will be.
It's monday today and no school! (Y)
wanted to go see fireworks at esplanade later, but i wonder who will go with me since my clique said that they do not want to.
or just stay at home and watch teevee.
Went for interview in subway yesterday, sucks.
Dislike dislike dislike.
The one who is there for me isn't the one i thought it will be.
Didn't went to school today, cough, flu, sorethroat.
Going to polyclinic with JiaQi later on when the raining is smaller.
Found this quiz in the net and doing it. :D
Are you single?: Yeah.
Are you happy?: No.
Are you bored?: YAAAA.
Are you fair?: No.
Are you indian?: No-.-
Are you stupid?: YESSSSS.
Are you honest?: See situation.
Are you irish: No.
Are you nice?: Sometimes.
Are you asian: Yeah.
Ten Facts:
Full name: Amanda LSN.
Nickname: _____.
Birthplace: Singapore
Hair colour: Brownish black.
Hair style: Straight?
Eye color: Brown black?
DOB: 04/04/1995
Mood: Not bad not good. lol.
Favourite colour: Black, White, pink. :D
One place you wished to visit: KOREAAAAAAAA.
Ten facts about your love:
Been in love: Ya.
Believe love in first sight: Yes?
Currently have a crush: Yeaps.
Hurt emotionally before: eh?
Broken someone's heart: No?
Have your heart broken: yeaps.
Like someone but kept in heart: yeah.
Are you afraid of commitment: Ya.
Last person you hugged: Hero LOL.
Last person you said ILYs: Forgotten, computer. LOL.
This or that:
Love or lust: Love.
Cats or dogs: Dogs.
Best friends or regular friends: Best friends.
Creamy or crunchy: crunchy.
Pencil or Pen: Pen.
Wild night out or romantic in: Depends.
Money or happiness: Both.
Night or day: Night.
IM or phone: Phone!
Have you ever:
Been caught sneaking out: forgotten.
Seen a polar bear: Zoo?
Done smth you regret: Yes.
Jumpin: ??
Eat an entire Jaw breaker: ??
Been caught naked: no -.-
Wanted boyfriend back: No boyf. -.-
Cried because lost a person forever: No.
Wanted to disappear: yes.
Preference in love:
Smile or eyes: Both!
Light or dark hair: Depends.
Hugs or kiss: Both?
Shorter or taller: Taller.
Intelligence or attraction: Attraction.
Violent or pathetic: Pathetic.
Older or younger: Older.
Outgoing or quiet: Outgoing.
Sweet or bad: Sweet duh.
Have you:
Performed in a large crowd: Yeaps.
Talk on the phone longer then an hour: of course.
A rock concert: No.
Cheerleading team: No.
Dance team: No.
Sports team: No.
Drama play or production: No.
Owned rich cars: I wish to.
In a rap video: No.
Last call you made: Mum.
Hugged: Hero hahaha.
Hung out: causeway point.
Work: Seldom, unless need money.
Talked to: Dad.
Texted: JiaQi.
Movie: Toy Story 3.
Last person or thing you miss: ______. :D
okay, bye.
Going to polyclinic with JiaQi later on when the raining is smaller.
Found this quiz in the net and doing it. :D
Are you single?: Yeah.
Are you happy?: No.
Are you bored?: YAAAA.
Are you fair?: No.
Are you indian?: No-.-
Are you stupid?: YESSSSS.
Are you honest?: See situation.
Are you irish: No.
Are you nice?: Sometimes.
Are you asian: Yeah.
Ten Facts:
Full name: Amanda LSN.
Nickname: _____.
Birthplace: Singapore
Hair colour: Brownish black.
Hair style: Straight?
Eye color: Brown black?
DOB: 04/04/1995
Mood: Not bad not good. lol.
Favourite colour: Black, White, pink. :D
One place you wished to visit: KOREAAAAAAAA.
Ten facts about your love:
Been in love: Ya.
Believe love in first sight: Yes?
Currently have a crush: Yeaps.
Hurt emotionally before: eh?
Broken someone's heart: No?
Have your heart broken: yeaps.
Like someone but kept in heart: yeah.
Are you afraid of commitment: Ya.
Last person you hugged: Hero LOL.
Last person you said ILYs: Forgotten, computer. LOL.
This or that:
Love or lust: Love.
Cats or dogs: Dogs.
Best friends or regular friends: Best friends.
Creamy or crunchy: crunchy.
Pencil or Pen: Pen.
Wild night out or romantic in: Depends.
Money or happiness: Both.
Night or day: Night.
IM or phone: Phone!
Have you ever:
Been caught sneaking out: forgotten.
Seen a polar bear: Zoo?
Done smth you regret: Yes.
Jumpin: ??
Eat an entire Jaw breaker: ??
Been caught naked: no -.-
Wanted boyfriend back: No boyf. -.-
Cried because lost a person forever: No.
Wanted to disappear: yes.
Preference in love:
Smile or eyes: Both!
Light or dark hair: Depends.
Hugs or kiss: Both?
Shorter or taller: Taller.
Intelligence or attraction: Attraction.
Violent or pathetic: Pathetic.
Older or younger: Older.
Outgoing or quiet: Outgoing.
Sweet or bad: Sweet duh.
Have you:
Performed in a large crowd: Yeaps.
Talk on the phone longer then an hour: of course.
A rock concert: No.
Cheerleading team: No.
Dance team: No.
Sports team: No.
Drama play or production: No.
Owned rich cars: I wish to.
In a rap video: No.
Last call you made: Mum.
Hugged: Hero hahaha.
Hung out: causeway point.
Work: Seldom, unless need money.
Talked to: Dad.
Texted: JiaQi.
Movie: Toy Story 3.
Last person or thing you miss: ______. :D
okay, bye.
`normal school day today as usual. had maths, chem and geog test. Gonna fail for those test i think.
Haha, so next week common test also fail.
`Aaaaaah, flu, cough and sorethroat, sucks.
`Mum decline the offer to the celebration for YOG on the 13th! My beast! TT_TT Gonna beg her for the tickets no matter what.
`normal school day today as usual. had maths, chem and geog test. Gonna fail for those test i think.
Haha, so next week common test also fail.
`Aaaaaah, flu, cough and sorethroat, sucks.
`Mum decline the offer to the celebration for YOG on the 13th! My beast! TT_TT Gonna beg her for the tickets no matter what.
realised that i had not been posting for 55849481 years.
quite alot of unpleasent things and some good things happening nowadays.
I realised I changed alot, from primary school, sec 1, sec 2, now, sec 3.
Thinking back to the past in primary school, i was a girl that will go home straightaway after school and don't dare to go out w/out parents permission, even to 888 or causeway. See, how toot i am.
I am center-parting, don't even know can put books under table, don't even know folding skirts, ankle socks, untuck pe t-shirts before primary 6.
Haha, thats damn funny. And always do stupid things that small kids in kindergarden will do.
Slacking with xinmin almost everyday after PSLE under my block. Remembered when in primary 4 i slacked with those guys under my block every single day, haha. Damn fun, but too bad, now we are just strangers to each other despite we know each other. In primary 6, i starting to know the real meaning of L.O.V.E. Which something happens which i damn regretted.
Because of that stupid sailormoon uniform, that causes me and xinmin to go into woodgrove secondary school, which we damn REGRETTED.
In sec 1, the first friend i made in class was my bestest sister, lee jiaqi. I remembered i made friend with her through borrowing of stationaries from her everyday. Haha, damn funny way.
I don't dare to go town w/out parents permission, don't put books under table till some time.
learned to fold skirt, (which is damn stupid), go out with clique. Told Janice Chua to take off her specs, and as expected, it turns alot nicer. Went out with Xinmin Ho, Janice Chua always, and Toh HuiSian.
In sec 2, also not much difference. Starting to have our dai family that goes out often in that year which consist of Lim ShiHui, Me, Janice Chua & Lee JiaQi. I remembered we went to eat ice kacang. :D those were memorable times. During end of year, went out almost EVERYDAY with Mak YuJie, Janice Chua, Lee JiaQi & Ho XinMin. Learned to go out to town without telling parents, went home late. Okay, also not a BIG deal. Heh. Then JiaQi changed.
In sec 3, which is now. Starting of the year starts to skip CCA, co, which i hate it so much that I wanted to kill it if it can be killed, detentions, in house, because of skipping cca was normal thing. Mr Wee, our form teacher for this year, was a GREAT teacher. :D everybody that was close to me said i'd changed from last time till now, which i also agree. Getting further and further with Janice Chua already, which she this year was damn busy.
Okay, this was a damn long post, i doubt people will read it too as my blog is already dead. Okay, thats it.
quite alot of unpleasent things and some good things happening nowadays.
I realised I changed alot, from primary school, sec 1, sec 2, now, sec 3.
Thinking back to the past in primary school, i was a girl that will go home straightaway after school and don't dare to go out w/out parents permission, even to 888 or causeway. See, how toot i am.
I am center-parting, don't even know can put books under table, don't even know folding skirts, ankle socks, untuck pe t-shirts before primary 6.
Haha, thats damn funny. And always do stupid things that small kids in kindergarden will do.
Slacking with xinmin almost everyday after PSLE under my block. Remembered when in primary 4 i slacked with those guys under my block every single day, haha. Damn fun, but too bad, now we are just strangers to each other despite we know each other. In primary 6, i starting to know the real meaning of L.O.V.E. Which something happens which i damn regretted.
Because of that stupid sailormoon uniform, that causes me and xinmin to go into woodgrove secondary school, which we damn REGRETTED.
In sec 1, the first friend i made in class was my bestest sister, lee jiaqi. I remembered i made friend with her through borrowing of stationaries from her everyday. Haha, damn funny way.
I don't dare to go town w/out parents permission, don't put books under table till some time.
learned to fold skirt, (which is damn stupid), go out with clique. Told Janice Chua to take off her specs, and as expected, it turns alot nicer. Went out with Xinmin Ho, Janice Chua always, and Toh HuiSian.
In sec 2, also not much difference. Starting to have our dai family that goes out often in that year which consist of Lim ShiHui, Me, Janice Chua & Lee JiaQi. I remembered we went to eat ice kacang. :D those were memorable times. During end of year, went out almost EVERYDAY with Mak YuJie, Janice Chua, Lee JiaQi & Ho XinMin. Learned to go out to town without telling parents, went home late. Okay, also not a BIG deal. Heh. Then JiaQi changed.
In sec 3, which is now. Starting of the year starts to skip CCA, co, which i hate it so much that I wanted to kill it if it can be killed, detentions, in house, because of skipping cca was normal thing. Mr Wee, our form teacher for this year, was a GREAT teacher. :D everybody that was close to me said i'd changed from last time till now, which i also agree. Getting further and further with Janice Chua already, which she this year was damn busy.
Okay, this was a damn long post, i doubt people will read it too as my blog is already dead. Okay, thats it.
1. Last beverage: KFC Ice Tea. (Y)
2. Last phone call: YuJie Sampat.
3. Last text message: ''yah omg mad awesome. glad i didn't miss it hahaha. :)'' from HoXinMin. [:
4. Last song you listened to: 周杰倫- 說了再見
5.Last time you cried: Forgotten.
6. Dated someone twice: No.
7. Been cheated on: No.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: No.
9. Lost someone special: No.
10. Been depressed: yes, obviously.
11. Been drunk and threw up: No, of course! :D
12. Black !
13. White!
14. Pink!
15. Made a new friend: ya. :D
16. Fallen out of love: NO.
17. Laughed until you cried: no.
18. Met someone who changed you: No.
19. Found out who your true friends were: Ya.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Ehhhh?
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: NOOOOOOOOO.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: ALOT.
23. How many kids do you want?: Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, 2. 1 boy 1 girl. :D
24. Do you have any pets: YA, HERO! :DDDDDDDDD
25. Do you want to change your name: No.
26. What did you do for your last birthday: kbox with jiaqi, xinmin, janice, yujie, mingzhu, charmaine, yixiang, wenhao & his friend. :D
27. What time did you wake up? 10.00am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: HOLIDAYS!
30. Last time you saw your mother: Just now.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Borned rich.
32. What are you listening to right now: Tv & dai wo zou.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No.
34. Who is getting you crazy: U-kiss. :D
35. Most visited webpage: Twitter & Facebook.
36. Whats your real name: Amanda Lee Shin Ni.
37. Nicknames: Manda, Mandy, Armando. Hahahaha.
38. Relationship Status: Single.
39. Zodiac sign: Aries.
40. Male or female?: Female.
41. Primary School?: Woodlands Ring Primary school.
42. Secondary School?: Woodgrove Secondary School.
43. High school/college?: Not yet.
44. Hair colour: Dark brown.
45. Long or short: Long.
46. Height: 167cm. :D
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: O.O?
48: What do you like about yourself?: Nothing.
49. Piercings: 5.
50. Tattoos: No, but craving for 1. :D
51. Righty or lefty: Lefty. :D
52. First surgery: No.
53. First piercing: 3 years old.
54. First best friend: Jasmin Teo Yun Zhen, from my memory. :D
55. First sport you joined: Football. LOLLLL.
56. First vacation: Malaysia.
58. First pair of trainers: ???
59. Eating: Nothing.
60. Drinking: Nothing.
61. I'm about to: Go out(?)
62. Listening to: Tv and Janice- never let you go.
63. Waiting for: HOLIDAYS!
64. Want kids?: Maybe?
65. Get married?: OF COURSE!
66. Career: Dont Know.
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: both.
69. Shorter or taller: taller.
70. Older or Younger: Younger, but not childish.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both!
73. Sensitive or loud: Can dont choose both? LOL.
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship, duh.
76. Kissed a stranger: NO!
77. Drank hard liquor: Red Wine. LOL.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Ya, but found it in the end.
79. Sex on first date: NO!
80. Broken someone's heart: Dont know?
82. Been arrested: NO, i'm so guai. :D
83. Turned someone down: Yes.
84. Cried when someone died: No.
85. Fallen for a friend: Yaaaaaaa.
86. Yourself: Ya.
88. Love at first sight: No.
89. Heaven: Yes!
90. Santa Claus: No.
91. Kiss on the first date: Yes.
92. Angels: 50/50?
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No!
95. Did you sing today?: YES! :D
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: Yes, but not in relationship.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: Before those times. D:
98. The moment you would choose to relive?: ???
100. What are you thinking about now?: The Past times.
jiaqi currently at my house and she told me to post. [:
lalalala, school reopen liao, boredddddddddddddd.
how i wish i can not go schooling and get good results.
just randomly post de.
currently obsess to U-kiss. :D
1. Last beverage: KFC Ice Tea. (Y)
2. Last phone call: YuJie Sampat.
3. Last text message: ''yah omg mad awesome. glad i didn't miss it hahaha. :)'' from HoXinMin. [:
4. Last song you listened to: 周杰倫- 說了再見
5.Last time you cried: Forgotten.
6. Dated someone twice: No.
7. Been cheated on: No.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: No.
9. Lost someone special: No.
10. Been depressed: yes, obviously.
11. Been drunk and threw up: No, of course! :D
12. Black !
13. White!
14. Pink!
15. Made a new friend: ya. :D
16. Fallen out of love: NO.
17. Laughed until you cried: no.
18. Met someone who changed you: No.
19. Found out who your true friends were: Ya.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Ehhhh?
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: NOOOOOOOOO.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: ALOT.
23. How many kids do you want?: Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, 2. 1 boy 1 girl. :D
24. Do you have any pets: YA, HERO! :DDDDDDDDD
25. Do you want to change your name: No.
26. What did you do for your last birthday: kbox with jiaqi, xinmin, janice, yujie, mingzhu, charmaine, yixiang, wenhao & his friend. :D
27. What time did you wake up? 10.00am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: HOLIDAYS!
30. Last time you saw your mother: Just now.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Borned rich.
32. What are you listening to right now: Tv & dai wo zou.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No.
34. Who is getting you crazy: U-kiss. :D
35. Most visited webpage: Twitter & Facebook.
36. Whats your real name: Amanda Lee Shin Ni.
37. Nicknames: Manda, Mandy, Armando. Hahahaha.
38. Relationship Status: Single.
39. Zodiac sign: Aries.
40. Male or female?: Female.
41. Primary School?: Woodlands Ring Primary school.
42. Secondary School?: Woodgrove Secondary School.
43. High school/college?: Not yet.
44. Hair colour: Dark brown.
45. Long or short: Long.
46. Height: 167cm. :D
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: O.O?
48: What do you like about yourself?: Nothing.
49. Piercings: 5.
50. Tattoos: No, but craving for 1. :D
51. Righty or lefty: Lefty. :D
52. First surgery: No.
53. First piercing: 3 years old.
54. First best friend: Jasmin Teo Yun Zhen, from my memory. :D
55. First sport you joined: Football. LOLLLL.
56. First vacation: Malaysia.
58. First pair of trainers: ???
59. Eating: Nothing.
60. Drinking: Nothing.
61. I'm about to: Go out(?)
62. Listening to: Tv and Janice- never let you go.
63. Waiting for: HOLIDAYS!
64. Want kids?: Maybe?
65. Get married?: OF COURSE!
66. Career: Dont Know.
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: both.
69. Shorter or taller: taller.
70. Older or Younger: Younger, but not childish.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both!
73. Sensitive or loud: Can dont choose both? LOL.
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship, duh.
76. Kissed a stranger: NO!
77. Drank hard liquor: Red Wine. LOL.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Ya, but found it in the end.
79. Sex on first date: NO!
80. Broken someone's heart: Dont know?
82. Been arrested: NO, i'm so guai. :D
83. Turned someone down: Yes.
84. Cried when someone died: No.
85. Fallen for a friend: Yaaaaaaa.
86. Yourself: Ya.
88. Love at first sight: No.
89. Heaven: Yes!
90. Santa Claus: No.
91. Kiss on the first date: Yes.
92. Angels: 50/50?
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No!
95. Did you sing today?: YES! :D
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: Yes, but not in relationship.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: Before those times. D:
98. The moment you would choose to relive?: ???
100. What are you thinking about now?: The Past times.
jiaqi currently at my house and she told me to post. [:
lalalala, school reopen liao, boredddddddddddddd.
how i wish i can not go schooling and get good results.
just randomly post de.
currently obsess to U-kiss. :D
going out soon, just a random post, though my blog is dead anyway.
had fun with girls yesterday.
went to sembawang for kfc, saw hweegeok, she treated me and yj coconut pie! (Y)
rumours are spreading, WTFFFF.
something really funny happened.
outside sunplaza saw some durian guys selling durian, suddenly 1 of the guy called yujie and said some guy said she's beautiful.
bus-ed to beach, and stay at beach for like.. 10minutes?
HAHA, the sea level risen, SCARY~
then hsh at around 630. :D
going out with classmates and friends later on.
I hate people who gave me attitude when i ask nicely. :/
had fun with girls yesterday.
went to sembawang for kfc, saw hweegeok, she treated me and yj coconut pie! (Y)
rumours are spreading, WTFFFF.
something really funny happened.
outside sunplaza saw some durian guys selling durian, suddenly 1 of the guy called yujie and said some guy said she's beautiful.
bus-ed to beach, and stay at beach for like.. 10minutes?
HAHA, the sea level risen, SCARY~
then hsh at around 630. :D
going out with classmates and friends later on.
I hate people who gave me attitude when i ask nicely. :/
Taken this from shihui's blog, no harm doing it, so i've done. xD
Bold what’s you, or what you like, or what you’ve done.
My personality:
• i’m loud only when i’m high.
• i’m obnoxious.
• i’m sarcastic.
• i’m cocky.
• i cry easily.
• i have a bad temper.
• for the most part, i don’t like people.
• i’m easy to get along with.
• i’ve smoked weed.
• i drink coffee.
• i clean my room daily.
my appearance:
• i wear makeup. (when i feel like it)
• i wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
• i wear contacts.
• i wear glasses.
• i’ve had braces.
• i have braces.
• i change my hair color often.
• i straighten my hair often.
• my ears are pierced.
• i have small feet.
• i’m in a relationship now.
• i’m single.
• i’m crushin’.
• i’ve missed an ex before.
• an ex has physically abused me at least once.
• i’ve told someone i loved them when i didn’t.
• i’ve told someone i didn’t love them when i did.
• i’ve been in love more than two times.
• i believe in love at first sight.
• i believe lust is more important than love.
• i have a best friend.
• i have at least ten friends.
• i’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
• i’ve beaten up a friend. - jokingly that is
• i’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
• i can trust at least five people with my life.
• i’ve been on a plane.
• i’ve been on a train.
• i’ve left the state/province.
• someone close to me has died.
• i’ve taken a taxi.
• i’ve taken a city bus.
• i’ve taken a school bus.
• i’ve gone bungee jumping.
• i’ve made a speech.
• i’ve been in some sort of club.
• i’ve won an award.
• i’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.
• i’ve been in a physical fight.
• i listen to country.
• i listen to pop.
• i listen to techno.
• i listen to rock.
• i’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until i hate it.
• i hate the radio.
• i download music.
• i buy cd’s.
• i spend at least six hours a day watching television.
• i watch soap operas daily.
• i’m in love with days of our lives.
• i’ve seen and like the oc.
• i’ve seen and like one tree hill.
• i’ve seen and like america’s next top model.
• i’ve seen and like popular.
• i’ve seen and like house.
• i’ve seen and like 24.
• i’ve seen and like csi.
• i’ve seen and like everwood.
family life:
• i get along with both of my parents.
• my biological parents are still together.
• i have at least one brother.
• i have at least one sister.
• i have at least one step brother/sister.
• i have at least one half brother/sister.
• i’ve been kicked out of the house.
• i’ve ran away from my home.
• i’ve sworn at my parents.
• i’ve made my parents cry.
• i’ve lied to my parents.
• i’ve lied to my parents about where i am.
• i’ve lied to my parents about what i’m doing.
• i’ve lied to my parents so i’d be allowed out.
• i’ve walked out when i’ve been grounded.
• i’ve been brown.
• i’ve had streaks.
• i’ve cut my hair in the past year.
• i’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
• i’ve had black.
• i’ve been red.
• i’ve been light brown.
• i’ve been medium brown.
• i’ve had purple/pink.
• i’ve been blue/green.
• i’ve gotten my hair thinned.
• i use conditioner.
• i’ve used silk therapy.
• i’ve used hot oil treatments.
• i’ve curled my hair.
• i’ve straightened my hair.
• i’ve ironed my hair.
• i’ve braided my hair.
• i’ve had/want dreadlocks.
• i’ve thrown something at a teacher.
• i’ve yelled at a teacher.
• i’ve been suspended.
• i’ve had an in-school suspension.
• i’ve been sent to the principal’s office.
• i’ve walked out of class.
• i’ve skipped an entire day of school.
• i’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class.
• i’ve failed a test.
• i’ve cheated on a test.
• i’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
• i’ve failed art.
• i’ve failed p.e.
• i’ve failed math.
• i’ve failed science.
• i’ve failed another class.
• a teacher has called my parents.
• i’ve been caught skipping.
Bold what’s you, or what you like, or what you’ve done.
My personality:
• i’m loud only when i’m high.
• i’m obnoxious.
• i’m sarcastic.
• i’m cocky.
• i cry easily.
• i have a bad temper.
• for the most part, i don’t like people.
• i’m easy to get along with.
• i’ve smoked weed.
• i drink coffee.
• i clean my room daily.
my appearance:
• i wear makeup. (when i feel like it)
• i wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
• i wear contacts.
• i wear glasses.
• i’ve had braces.
• i have braces.
• i change my hair color often.
• i straighten my hair often.
• my ears are pierced.
• i have small feet.
• i’m in a relationship now.
• i’m single.
• i’m crushin’.
• i’ve missed an ex before.
• an ex has physically abused me at least once.
• i’ve told someone i loved them when i didn’t.
• i’ve told someone i didn’t love them when i did.
• i’ve been in love more than two times.
• i believe in love at first sight.
• i believe lust is more important than love.
• i have a best friend.
• i have at least ten friends.
• i’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
• i’ve beaten up a friend. - jokingly that is
• i’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
• i can trust at least five people with my life.
• i’ve been on a plane.
• i’ve been on a train.
• i’ve left the state/province.
• someone close to me has died.
• i’ve taken a taxi.
• i’ve taken a city bus.
• i’ve taken a school bus.
• i’ve gone bungee jumping.
• i’ve made a speech.
• i’ve been in some sort of club.
• i’ve won an award.
• i’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.
• i’ve been in a physical fight.
• i listen to country.
• i listen to pop.
• i listen to techno.
• i listen to rock.
• i’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until i hate it.
• i hate the radio.
• i download music.
• i buy cd’s.
• i spend at least six hours a day watching television.
• i watch soap operas daily.
• i’m in love with days of our lives.
• i’ve seen and like the oc.
• i’ve seen and like one tree hill.
• i’ve seen and like america’s next top model.
• i’ve seen and like popular.
• i’ve seen and like house.
• i’ve seen and like 24.
• i’ve seen and like csi.
• i’ve seen and like everwood.
family life:
• i get along with both of my parents.
• my biological parents are still together.
• i have at least one brother.
• i have at least one sister.
• i have at least one step brother/sister.
• i have at least one half brother/sister.
• i’ve been kicked out of the house.
• i’ve ran away from my home.
• i’ve sworn at my parents.
• i’ve made my parents cry.
• i’ve lied to my parents.
• i’ve lied to my parents about where i am.
• i’ve lied to my parents about what i’m doing.
• i’ve lied to my parents so i’d be allowed out.
• i’ve walked out when i’ve been grounded.
• i’ve been brown.
• i’ve had streaks.
• i’ve cut my hair in the past year.
• i’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
• i’ve had black.
• i’ve been red.
• i’ve been light brown.
• i’ve been medium brown.
• i’ve had purple/pink.
• i’ve been blue/green.
• i’ve gotten my hair thinned.
• i use conditioner.
• i’ve used silk therapy.
• i’ve used hot oil treatments.
• i’ve curled my hair.
• i’ve straightened my hair.
• i’ve ironed my hair.
• i’ve braided my hair.
• i’ve had/want dreadlocks.
• i’ve thrown something at a teacher.
• i’ve yelled at a teacher.
• i’ve been suspended.
• i’ve had an in-school suspension.
• i’ve been sent to the principal’s office.
• i’ve walked out of class.
• i’ve skipped an entire day of school.
• i’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class.
• i’ve failed a test.
• i’ve cheated on a test.
• i’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
• i’ve failed art.
• i’ve failed p.e.
• i’ve failed math.
• i’ve failed science.
• i’ve failed another class.
• a teacher has called my parents.
• i’ve been caught skipping.
since my tagbox is so dead, decide to remove it.
didnt went to school today as i got mc! ^^v
maybe going to bank later, just a random post.
anyway, yongsheng is so so so good! ^^v
called him ''didi'' yesterday as he told me to call him ''korkor''. LOL.
went to vivo yesterday, as yingjie had to go back first so she went off halfway.
after some time we went to sembawang and eat.
not feeling so well after eating so back home.
went to see doc and he gave me 1 day mc. hehs. ^^
nothing to write le.
bye. ^^
didnt went to school today as i got mc! ^^v
maybe going to bank later, just a random post.
anyway, yongsheng is so so so good! ^^v
called him ''didi'' yesterday as he told me to call him ''korkor''. LOL.
went to vivo yesterday, as yingjie had to go back first so she went off halfway.
after some time we went to sembawang and eat.
not feeling so well after eating so back home.
went to see doc and he gave me 1 day mc. hehs. ^^
nothing to write le.
bye. ^^
went to celebrate my birthday yesterday, fun!
went to marsilling cc and sang for 3 hours, i treat!
yixiang, yujie, wenhao, his friend, xinmin, mingzhu, charmaine, jiaqi and janice sang happy birthday to me! <33333
sang lots of songs, haha, ring ding dong~
sang duets with yixiang erzi. LOLLLLLLLL. xD
wenhao's friend perform magic, <3333!
so cool~ xD
left at 12 and headed home.
thanks alot to those who wish me happy birthday: far unnie, miaoling, shuting, yujie, xinmin, mingzhu, charmaine, janice, jiaqi, yixiang, wenhao, derryl, shihui, singling, sinyee, yingjie, and those who wished me in facebook, thanks alot, loves. <3
quarreled with mum today and she said she regretted giving birth to me, might as well abort me 15 years ago and said if i go out i never go back. what kind of mum is this, if she treat me like this, i will treat back her the same way. DADDY IS SO MUCH BETTER. what kind of mum is this... TT__TT
went to celebrate my birthday yesterday, fun!
went to marsilling cc and sang for 3 hours, i treat!
yixiang, yujie, wenhao, his friend, xinmin, mingzhu, charmaine, jiaqi and janice sang happy birthday to me! <33333
sang lots of songs, haha, ring ding dong~
sang duets with yixiang erzi. LOLLLLLLLL. xD
wenhao's friend perform magic, <3333!
so cool~ xD
left at 12 and headed home.
thanks alot to those who wish me happy birthday: far unnie, miaoling, shuting, yujie, xinmin, mingzhu, charmaine, janice, jiaqi, yixiang, wenhao, derryl, shihui, singling, sinyee, yingjie, and those who wished me in facebook, thanks alot, loves. <3
quarreled with mum today and she said she regretted giving birth to me, might as well abort me 15 years ago and said if i go out i never go back. what kind of mum is this, if she treat me like this, i will treat back her the same way. DADDY IS SO MUCH BETTER. what kind of mum is this... TT__TT

Hongki and JongHun. ♥
what a dead blog i had.
have i changed?
many people said that i've changed from when they known me till now.
my character? my attitude?
what a fucking life i had.
family problems, school problems....
overall i should say, MY LIFE SUCKS.
shall not talk about this topic further.
whats the difference between 'haogan' and like?
had been asking people this question yesterday.
and the answer i get was,
haogan: a good impression from others towards you.
like: a feeling in a relationship.
okay, shall not post further, dead blog. :]
going out soon, just a random post.
common test had ended, sure fail in science, SS , geog and maths. -.-
today had the stupid fire drill, hot die while seating in the field. Zzzz.
Today is a very slack day! HAHA. random.
oh ya, went to take neoprint with yujie and clique, haha.
its a long time since i've took. :/
jiaqi look so cuteeee inside, hehs. :B
okay, nothing to post le,
byebye. ^^
common test had ended, sure fail in science, SS , geog and maths. -.-
today had the stupid fire drill, hot die while seating in the field. Zzzz.
Today is a very slack day! HAHA. random.
oh ya, went to take neoprint with yujie and clique, haha.
its a long time since i've took. :/
jiaqi look so cuteeee inside, hehs. :B
okay, nothing to post le,
byebye. ^^
omgomgomg, just now scared die me. ==
went woodlands center with yujie just now, then when going back she say she stomach pain then she suddenly fainted for a few seconds, ==
then all the people there watched like watching show, ==!
then send her back to her house then stay for a while then go home.
grrrr, sick today and didnt go work, -.-
went woodlands center with yujie just now, then when going back she say she stomach pain then she suddenly fainted for a few seconds, ==
then all the people there watched like watching show, ==!
then send her back to her house then stay for a while then go home.
grrrr, sick today and didnt go work, -.-
school has started, tired die. :X
yesterday went to work with charmaine, haha, tired though but fun!
mazlin was really v. nice. hehs.
heard 1 super shocking thing from charmaine, haha, then i was like, 'huh, pajiao sial he.' hehs.
now at janice chua house using computer, while janice was reading her book and jiaqi and her boy, de friend dont know go where, hehs.
drinking bubbletea now, hehs~!~xD
school has started, tired die. :X
yesterday went to work with charmaine, haha, tired though but fun!
mazlin was really v. nice. hehs.
heard 1 super shocking thing from charmaine, haha, then i was like, 'huh, pajiao sial he.' hehs.
now at janice chua house using computer, while janice was reading her book and jiaqi and her boy, de friend dont know go where, hehs.
drinking bubbletea now, hehs~!~xD
happy belated birthday glynnn! xD
yesterday went out with quainters. hahahs.
did not much things though, was late for 2 hours plus. ==
went to find them in orchard in the end lost. -.-
called kik for help but in the end no use, went back ion and meetup with them. ^^
went to bugis after that and went back home with merlin at 6.
didnt went out today. hahaha.
yesterday went out with quainters. hahahs.
did not much things though, was late for 2 hours plus. ==
went to find them in orchard in the end lost. -.-
called kik for help but in the end no use, went back ion and meetup with them. ^^
went to bugis after that and went back home with merlin at 6.
didnt went out today. hahaha.
yesterday was a tiring day kay!
went to work alone, sads. TT__TT
hahas, then was scolded by the mam, zzzzzzz.
key in and gave wrong things to customers. hahas.
then yongsheng helped me when alot of people, thanks him lotssssss!
he very good sial, hahas, even charmaine say so.
hahahas, then char say if he is younger she wanted to married him, LOL.
okay lahs, i also think so. hahahahahas, he damnnnnn goooooooood de looooooor!
haahas, okokay, then during break char come find me, hahahas, so nice of her. ^^
then she went back after break and i went back to work, tiring sial.
why sembawang so many bangla de, ==
okay, then 11 close counter and i count my money, yay! 1st day do own poise earned $545.20. ^^
do cleaning up and those.
zzzzzzzz, i digged up all the ice when i dont even need to, jiaqi say pour hot water in it can le, zzzzzz.
reached home about 12, ==
watched tv, say suju-m! OMG.
donghae, henry& ryeowook very cute! siwon is handsome. ^^
okay lahs, i still love my ds though.
hahahaaaas, slept at around 3-4. LOL.
just came back from causeway with yujie and jiaqi, qi go pierce ear. LOL.
i've decide not to care for anything about the person anymore, ^^
good news? bad news? i dont know. ^^
working tomorrow! xD
went to work alone, sads. TT__TT
hahas, then was scolded by the mam, zzzzzzz.
key in and gave wrong things to customers. hahas.
then yongsheng helped me when alot of people, thanks him lotssssss!
he very good sial, hahas, even charmaine say so.
hahahas, then char say if he is younger she wanted to married him, LOL.
okay lahs, i also think so. hahahahahas, he damnnnnn goooooooood de looooooor!
haahas, okokay, then during break char come find me, hahahas, so nice of her. ^^
then she went back after break and i went back to work, tiring sial.
why sembawang so many bangla de, ==
okay, then 11 close counter and i count my money, yay! 1st day do own poise earned $545.20. ^^
do cleaning up and those.
zzzzzzzz, i digged up all the ice when i dont even need to, jiaqi say pour hot water in it can le, zzzzzz.
reached home about 12, ==
watched tv, say suju-m! OMG.
donghae, henry& ryeowook very cute! siwon is handsome. ^^
okay lahs, i still love my ds though.
hahahaaaas, slept at around 3-4. LOL.
just came back from causeway with yujie and jiaqi, qi go pierce ear. LOL.
i've decide not to care for anything about the person anymore, ^^
good news? bad news? i dont know. ^^
working tomorrow! xD
just came back from quainte gathering.
was spazzing ss501 all the way, LOL.
discussed about kyu's birthday present and i was at there kept crazy-ing about jungmin.
HAHAHAHA, but jungmin's things. ^^
while i was trying to on laptop just now found out my mum had changed password, try hacking in by typing some possibilities for the password and the password is simple, after just 2 tries, the 3rd time i tried ''adrian'', which is my brother name, and i hacked in! xDDDD
hahaha, please lahs, put so easy password. hahahaha.
jiaqi say she don't feel like working, pangseh me. DDD:
okay, nothing to say le.
was spazzing ss501 all the way, LOL.
discussed about kyu's birthday present and i was at there kept crazy-ing about jungmin.
HAHAHAHA, but jungmin's things. ^^
while i was trying to on laptop just now found out my mum had changed password, try hacking in by typing some possibilities for the password and the password is simple, after just 2 tries, the 3rd time i tried ''adrian'', which is my brother name, and i hacked in! xDDDD
hahaha, please lahs, put so easy password. hahahaha.
jiaqi say she don't feel like working, pangseh me. DDD:
okay, nothing to say le.
why want go MIA sial, zzz.
okay, nevermind.
today have work, boreddddddddd.
ohmygod, i felt that i got lots of things to buy, might at least need $5k, LOL.
okay, lets see.
-ss501 concert ticket(around $200)
-ss501 albums($150)
-ukiss man man ha ni album($20)
-mini size laptop($900)
-new bags($70)
-trip to korea ticket($2000++)
LOL. let me see..
hahahahaha, wait long long bahs, hahaha.
okay, bye,back to youtubing. ^^
anyway, _____, dont go MIA le lahs. -.-
okay, nevermind.
today have work, boreddddddddd.
ohmygod, i felt that i got lots of things to buy, might at least need $5k, LOL.
okay, lets see.
-ss501 concert ticket(around $200)
-ss501 albums($150)
-ukiss man man ha ni album($20)
-mini size laptop($900)
-new bags($70)
-trip to korea ticket($2000++)
LOL. let me see..
hahahahaha, wait long long bahs, hahaha.
okay, bye,back to youtubing. ^^
anyway, _____, dont go MIA le lahs. -.-
2009-12-08 <<< jungmin's <<< hyunjoong's <<< hyungjun's <<< youngsaeng's <<< kyujong's
hahas, do visit and do join. LOL.
new international forum for ss501 fans, triple s. ^^
tomorrow going for work, later going find my mum to buy shoes. hahahahha.
now at jiaqi's house.
someone jealous i can go her house he cannot. LOL.
hahaha, jiaqi told me de. LOL.
yujie they all go fishing, hahahahahaha.
okay, i'm so crapping.
byebyes. xD <<< hyunjoong's <<< hyungjun's <<< youngsaeng's <<< kyujong's
hahas, do visit and do join. LOL.
new international forum for ss501 fans, triple s. ^^
tomorrow going for work, later going find my mum to buy shoes. hahahahha.
now at jiaqi's house.
someone jealous i can go her house he cannot. LOL.
hahaha, jiaqi told me de. LOL.
yujie they all go fishing, hahahahahaha.
okay, i'm so crapping.
byebyes. xD
quainte outing. [:
not going to post for a long time. hahas.
yesterday went out with quainters.
fun though, walking here and there and making banners.
me and sinyee made jungmin's. [:
gonna take my rebirth album soon from xiaochu around next week.
made by me and sinyee. [:
its simple though, but nice!
saranghae. ^^
yesterday went out with quainters.
fun though, walking here and there and making banners.
me and sinyee made jungmin's. [:
gonna take my rebirth album soon from xiaochu around next week.
made by me and sinyee. [:
its simple though, but nice!
saranghae. ^^
piss-ed off these 2 days.
okay, erm, exam is coming tomorrow and i have not even study, no study mood. ==
i hope i can pass uhs, get my concert ticket. :B
currently finding job that does not need any injections. [:
learning korean now, (:
chonun amanda imnida, ottoshimnika? [:
okay, i'm just random-ing.
currently at janice house posting as i pei-ed my mum to nearby for her thing. (:
Got to go le, bye. (:
Saranghaeyo. LOL. :B
okay, erm, exam is coming tomorrow and i have not even study, no study mood. ==
i hope i can pass uhs, get my concert ticket. :B
currently finding job that does not need any injections. [:
learning korean now, (:
chonun amanda imnida, ottoshimnika? [:
okay, i'm just random-ing.
currently at janice house posting as i pei-ed my mum to nearby for her thing. (:
Got to go le, bye. (:
Saranghaeyo. LOL. :B
currently in computer lab posting.
nothing happened lately.
aunt came to singapore the day before and went back today, (:
erm, still can say what lehs.?
nothing, okay, bye. LOL.
nothing happened lately.
aunt came to singapore the day before and went back today, (:
erm, still can say what lehs.?
nothing, okay, bye. LOL.
taken from xinmin's blog. (:
1. What is your CCA?
- Chinese Orchestra.
2. Will you like a guy who's younger than you?
- Maybe bahs?
3. What does friendship means to you?
- Courage and companion. (:
4. Give some descriptions/qualities of your perfect girl?
- Pretty, had a caring stead, good in studies and rich. $_$
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
- yeah, why not.
6. Which is more blessed; loving someone or being loved?
- being loved by the one you love. (:
7. List your favourites band:
- SS501! 사랑해요. (:
8. If th person you like is attached, you:
- give them my blessings and try to forget him. (:
9.What is important between friends/couples etc
Trust and honesty.
10. What makes you emotional?
- when someone i care for betrayed me.
11. What do you wish for?-
SS501 to come SG faster, more money, a stead(?)
12. What is your favourite hobby?
- listen SS501 songs.
13. What is the most important things in your life now?
- Friendship and handphone. (:
14. Would you rather to be single&rich or married but poor?
- Single & rich.
15. What is your favourite color?
- Black, white, red, GREEN, pink...
16. Will you give all in a relationship?
- Maybe?
17. If you fall in love with 2 person simultaneously, who will you pick?
- Choose the one i love most.
18. Will you forgive&forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done to you?
- won't forger but will forgive. (:
. What do you want to tell th person you like?
- I love you.
20. Do you have anything to tell anybody and what isit?
- cheer up, girl, he isn't worth it.
5 people to do this: Janice,
1. What is your CCA?
- Chinese Orchestra.
2. Will you like a guy who's younger than you?
- Maybe bahs?
3. What does friendship means to you?
- Courage and companion. (:
4. Give some descriptions/qualities of your perfect girl?
- Pretty, had a caring stead, good in studies and rich. $_$
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
- yeah, why not.
6. Which is more blessed; loving someone or being loved?
- being loved by the one you love. (:
7. List your favourites band:
- SS501! 사랑해요. (:
8. If th person you like is attached, you:
- give them my blessings and try to forget him. (:
9.What is important between friends/couples etc
Trust and honesty.
10. What makes you emotional?
- when someone i care for betrayed me.
11. What do you wish for?-
SS501 to come SG faster, more money, a stead(?)
12. What is your favourite hobby?
- listen SS501 songs.
13. What is the most important things in your life now?
- Friendship and handphone. (:
14. Would you rather to be single&rich or married but poor?
- Single & rich.
15. What is your favourite color?
- Black, white, red, GREEN, pink...
16. Will you give all in a relationship?
- Maybe?
17. If you fall in love with 2 person simultaneously, who will you pick?
- Choose the one i love most.
18. Will you forgive&forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done to you?
- won't forger but will forgive. (:
. What do you want to tell th person you like?
- I love you.
20. Do you have anything to tell anybody and what isit?
- cheer up, girl, he isn't worth it.
5 people to do this: Janice,
cheer up. :D
here to post, haha.
long time no post liaos, lazy. :x
forgotten what happened during this week, so will post about yesterday and today.
yesterday had mco, so woke up early at 7am then go prepare. (:
left home at 740am and meet zhongruan-ers for breakfast.
ate hotcakes at macdonalds. (:
brenda is so auntie, me, maxine, shihui and cheryl ate hotcakes, then each of us left 1 hotcakes left, then brenda want to takeaway and give mr low. HAHA. :x
went to mco afterwards.
quite fun and funny. (:
after mco went to kfc to eat with brenda, maxine and shihui.
talk about something and laughed. (:
after that meet janice and yujie and went library.
i was carrying the zhongruan went going then very weird, :x
went home around 5 plus.
okay, now for today.
today stay at home till around 5 then went to meet xinmin.
pei her go kfc eat then went to tekong find yujie.
open some sad songs for her. (:
cheer up uhs yujie, he's not worth it for your tears. (:
went to find janice awhile and went home.
went home le then found out only auntie at home, mum they all went out without putting any money for food. D:
ate some fried rice anyway. (:
cheer up. :D
long time no post liaos, lazy. :x
forgotten what happened during this week, so will post about yesterday and today.
yesterday had mco, so woke up early at 7am then go prepare. (:
left home at 740am and meet zhongruan-ers for breakfast.
ate hotcakes at macdonalds. (:
brenda is so auntie, me, maxine, shihui and cheryl ate hotcakes, then each of us left 1 hotcakes left, then brenda want to takeaway and give mr low. HAHA. :x
went to mco afterwards.
quite fun and funny. (:
after mco went to kfc to eat with brenda, maxine and shihui.
talk about something and laughed. (:
after that meet janice and yujie and went library.
i was carrying the zhongruan went going then very weird, :x
went home around 5 plus.
okay, now for today.
today stay at home till around 5 then went to meet xinmin.
pei her go kfc eat then went to tekong find yujie.
open some sad songs for her. (:
cheer up uhs yujie, he's not worth it for your tears. (:
went to find janice awhile and went home.
went home le then found out only auntie at home, mum they all went out without putting any money for food. D:
ate some fried rice anyway. (:
cheer up. :D
a short post.
school going reopen soon, sian.
had alot of homework haven't do finish despite going to do homework, but i slacked.
nothing special happened.
went to bugis on tuesday with xinmin, janice and yujie, fun duh. (:
today, went to mco, quite fun, learned new things.
okay, bye, as i said, a short post. (:
will try to post longer, but i lazy.
p.s/omg, confirm ss501 coming to singapore for their persona tour on christmas!
it will be my best christmas present if i can go. :D
school going reopen soon, sian.
had alot of homework haven't do finish despite going to do homework, but i slacked.
nothing special happened.
went to bugis on tuesday with xinmin, janice and yujie, fun duh. (:
today, went to mco, quite fun, learned new things.
okay, bye, as i said, a short post. (:
will try to post longer, but i lazy.
p.s/omg, confirm ss501 coming to singapore for their persona tour on christmas!
it will be my best christmas present if i can go. :D
ParkJungMin. <3
okay, here to post.
erm, lets post about this week?
okay, lets post about thursday to today de hao le as i forgotten some.
had co after school, was fun though.
beekian came back and taught us to play ABBA. (:
play finish then slacked all the way, talking craps.
Cheryl.k say when we were born, if we is cut stomach de, we will be coming to earth upside down. ==
sinyee told me she had ParkJungMin's email address!
I want! D:
last day of school. (:
had massrun in the morning.
then something unplesent happened and we need to run more.
halfway, i told mr.jung i had stomachache and he allow me to rest. ^^V
after that, they went to play games while i and vernice they all crapping and slacking down there.
something unpleasent happened again, =="
teacher distributed report books after school.
FUCK, my english left 1 mark then can pass. D:
but i was happy though, i got 5 1s. :D
then headed to causeway to look for huisian present.
HAHA, funny things happen. (: go read xinmin's post. lols.
at night, shown my dad my report book, he said it was lousy. == Fine.
i went to show my mum, she say if i get that 1 mark for my english then i can get back my phone. (My phone because of bill burst, then was kena confiscated.) D:
but she said 1 band 1 for $10, so i got 5, then was less $50 for me to pay my bill. :D:
overall, i still need to pay $25. (:
went to find my mum with yujie at around 12 plus.
mother treated us pizza hut. :B
afterwards went to make unlimited sms, but the people say need to confirm dont know what thing. ==
took alot of pictures.
then went to find xinmin afterwards.
walk around causeway and went to popular.
saw another album of SS501 had release. :D
while walking, saw a group of co girls and mingxuan. LOL.
yujie say he quite shuai. :x
then we went from 3rd floor to 1st floor and to 4th floor to find a handicap toilet that is nice. =="
xinmin and yujie then at there zilian-ing. LOLS.
nothing to do liao, went home. :D
사랑해요, ParkJungMin ; SS501. ❤
erm, lets post about this week?
okay, lets post about thursday to today de hao le as i forgotten some.
had co after school, was fun though.
beekian came back and taught us to play ABBA. (:
play finish then slacked all the way, talking craps.
Cheryl.k say when we were born, if we is cut stomach de, we will be coming to earth upside down. ==
sinyee told me she had ParkJungMin's email address!
I want! D:
last day of school. (:
had massrun in the morning.
then something unplesent happened and we need to run more.
halfway, i told mr.jung i had stomachache and he allow me to rest. ^^V
after that, they went to play games while i and vernice they all crapping and slacking down there.
something unpleasent happened again, =="
teacher distributed report books after school.
FUCK, my english left 1 mark then can pass. D:
but i was happy though, i got 5 1s. :D
then headed to causeway to look for huisian present.
HAHA, funny things happen. (: go read xinmin's post. lols.
at night, shown my dad my report book, he said it was lousy. == Fine.
i went to show my mum, she say if i get that 1 mark for my english then i can get back my phone. (My phone because of bill burst, then was kena confiscated.) D:
but she said 1 band 1 for $10, so i got 5, then was less $50 for me to pay my bill. :D:
overall, i still need to pay $25. (:
went to find my mum with yujie at around 12 plus.
mother treated us pizza hut. :B
afterwards went to make unlimited sms, but the people say need to confirm dont know what thing. ==
took alot of pictures.
then went to find xinmin afterwards.
walk around causeway and went to popular.
saw another album of SS501 had release. :D
while walking, saw a group of co girls and mingxuan. LOL.
yujie say he quite shuai. :x
then we went from 3rd floor to 1st floor and to 4th floor to find a handicap toilet that is nice. =="
xinmin and yujie then at there zilian-ing. LOLS.
nothing to do liao, went home. :D
사랑해요, ParkJungMin ; SS501. ❤
SS501. <3
back to posting.
let me post from thursday to today hao le.
had co after school.
slacked all the way. (:
I heard a thing that was damn scary de can!
cheryl confiscated a pair of shoes on tuesday can it had not collected by the owner.
and that kind of shoes in co only had 3 people that wear it, but all of them had shoes. OMG.
okay, but in the end, it's marjorie's. =="
had mass run in the morning.
failed and had punishment.
after that is pe, quite relaxing. (:
after school had to stay back as i did not do chinese homework. (:
at 1 plus met yujie at headed to cck at around 3.
met the blogshop people for my item and shop around cck.
OMG luhs, i had found SS501 album le!! :D:D:D:D
damn high de can!
decided to save money to buy. ^^V
went back home around 6 plus.
met janice and jiaqi at around 2plus.
went to kfc and eat then we go tekong play poker cards. (:
then slack slack talk talk.
then we talk until what's my good point,
and jiaqi say i am the leader in the clique. =="
okay, fine.
around 7 janice went to find don then me and jiaqi continue slacking.
suddenly, jiaqi saw something then her face all red.
then she point to 1 direction then i see.
WTF?! i saw 1 lao tiko while seeing newspaper, he was also musterbating. wtfwtfwtfwtf.
okay, called janice and went to find her and told her about it. fucking pervert de keh! ==
then went back home around 8. (:
okay, now watching boys over flower.
sad sial. D:
erm, lets see what i want to buy..
BOF DVD, SS501 disc x2, SS501 persona tour ticket, more clothes, earpiece, new specs, contact lens, accessories.
okay, thats it. just random. (:
let me post from thursday to today hao le.
had co after school.
slacked all the way. (:
I heard a thing that was damn scary de can!
cheryl confiscated a pair of shoes on tuesday can it had not collected by the owner.
and that kind of shoes in co only had 3 people that wear it, but all of them had shoes. OMG.
okay, but in the end, it's marjorie's. =="
had mass run in the morning.
failed and had punishment.
after that is pe, quite relaxing. (:
after school had to stay back as i did not do chinese homework. (:
at 1 plus met yujie at headed to cck at around 3.
met the blogshop people for my item and shop around cck.
OMG luhs, i had found SS501 album le!! :D:D:D:D
damn high de can!
decided to save money to buy. ^^V
went back home around 6 plus.
met janice and jiaqi at around 2plus.
went to kfc and eat then we go tekong play poker cards. (:
then slack slack talk talk.
then we talk until what's my good point,
and jiaqi say i am the leader in the clique. =="
okay, fine.
around 7 janice went to find don then me and jiaqi continue slacking.
suddenly, jiaqi saw something then her face all red.
then she point to 1 direction then i see.
WTF?! i saw 1 lao tiko while seeing newspaper, he was also musterbating. wtfwtfwtfwtf.
okay, called janice and went to find her and told her about it. fucking pervert de keh! ==
then went back home around 8. (:
okay, now watching boys over flower.
sad sial. D:
erm, lets see what i want to buy..
BOF DVD, SS501 disc x2, SS501 persona tour ticket, more clothes, earpiece, new specs, contact lens, accessories.
okay, thats it. just random. (:
took back my phone le. (:
now in comp lab posting.
later got extra practice.
okay, just random.
who friday going back wrps?
Text me yeah?
hahas, more tags please! (:
now in comp lab posting.
later got extra practice.
okay, just random.
who friday going back wrps?
Text me yeah?
hahas, more tags please! (:
hello, back to posting. (:
handphone kena confiscated, __
my currently contact is my old contact, those who want contact me come ask me or ask from others who had my contact. (:
lets post for friday to today then.
tio in house, fuck, damn unlucky keh!
around 1 plus release, went back home and read clover.
manage to read finish in the night and started reading another.
lucky mum dont know what happen which i dont want to elaborate further, if not, i'm dead by now.
Had cip, quite fun uhs.
me and janice was staying at the 1st floor the whole time. (:
while erilyn was arranging those newspapers etc, she found a laofuzi and inside was 2 $2 note, 2 $5 and 1 $10 note. O:
hahas, lucky uhs, then me and shihui they all started to pack to see have more anot. :x
around 11 plus ended and bus-ed to causeway.
ate currypuff and went to library slack afterwards.
went out at around 1 plus and went to find xinmin pei her go print her thing then went back home, manage to read finish my the other book. ==
should not had read so fast, but its nice okay! :B
slept at around 1 plus. (:
stay at home the whole day, later going tongtong house eat. [:
bye. (:
handphone kena confiscated, __
my currently contact is my old contact, those who want contact me come ask me or ask from others who had my contact. (:
lets post for friday to today then.
tio in house, fuck, damn unlucky keh!
around 1 plus release, went back home and read clover.
manage to read finish in the night and started reading another.
lucky mum dont know what happen which i dont want to elaborate further, if not, i'm dead by now.
Had cip, quite fun uhs.
me and janice was staying at the 1st floor the whole time. (:
while erilyn was arranging those newspapers etc, she found a laofuzi and inside was 2 $2 note, 2 $5 and 1 $10 note. O:
hahas, lucky uhs, then me and shihui they all started to pack to see have more anot. :x
around 11 plus ended and bus-ed to causeway.
ate currypuff and went to library slack afterwards.
went out at around 1 plus and went to find xinmin pei her go print her thing then went back home, manage to read finish my the other book. ==
should not had read so fast, but its nice okay! :B
slept at around 1 plus. (:
stay at home the whole day, later going tongtong house eat. [:
bye. (:
hello, here to post, again. hahas. (:
today went to school as usual.
yesterday xinmin, jiaqi and shihui no come school then left me and janice. ==
then today jiaqi no come school, lols.
today nothing much happen, lesson as usual.
after school got cip, 8 people 1 block. =="
okay, today the whole day phone want low batt low batt, but can last till i reached home. hahas.
after cip went to vista buy bubbletea back home as my breakfast and lunch.
i felt that i can save money by not eating breakfast and lunch then buy 1 bubbletea back home. :D
who got bank card? D: i in need of bank card. D:
i just read my last time post, OMG? was like, so xiaohaizi. HAISH. i'm so xiaohaizi last time. ]:
found out that i from primary 6 until now only got 107 posts. == okay, nevermind, jiayou. (:
hahas, okay, post till here bahs. (:
today went to school as usual.
yesterday xinmin, jiaqi and shihui no come school then left me and janice. ==
then today jiaqi no come school, lols.
today nothing much happen, lesson as usual.
after school got cip, 8 people 1 block. =="
okay, today the whole day phone want low batt low batt, but can last till i reached home. hahas.
after cip went to vista buy bubbletea back home as my breakfast and lunch.
i felt that i can save money by not eating breakfast and lunch then buy 1 bubbletea back home. :D
who got bank card? D: i in need of bank card. D:
i just read my last time post, OMG? was like, so xiaohaizi. HAISH. i'm so xiaohaizi last time. ]:
found out that i from primary 6 until now only got 107 posts. == okay, nevermind, jiayou. (:
hahas, okay, post till here bahs. (:
back to posting.
today felt blur all day.
Later going to watch where got ghost with xinmin, janice, yujie and yixiang.
hahas, erm, today as usual, went school.
felt time went pass so fast, once i was primary school playing with my friends.
hahas, i am talking craps.
i suddenly felt i am so pathetic. =="
okay, lazy to post le, bye.
today felt blur all day.
Later going to watch where got ghost with xinmin, janice, yujie and yixiang.
hahas, erm, today as usual, went school.
felt time went pass so fast, once i was primary school playing with my friends.
hahas, i am talking craps.
i suddenly felt i am so pathetic. =="
okay, lazy to post le, bye.
Happy National Day!
back to posting.
okay, lets talk about yesterday.
was kewin's birthday, happy birthday. (:
okay, watch black&white.
damn nice can! :DD
around 430pm went to help xinmin find the blogshop people.
went back home afterthat.
around 540pm went to meet yujie at 912 bus stop then bus-ed to causeway find yixiang.
took 962 to greenwood primary find xinmin, damn hot de luhs. D:
hahas, along the way very funny, me and yujie wore the same shirt, then laugh laugh. (:
met xinmin in greenwood, damn weird de can!
i is co de then i not inside then go there.. ==
actually want to go to see their performance but can't get in, so we went to causeway eat and walk walk.
at night, walked to tekong to slack, hahas, we play the turn around thing then very giddy, yixiang damn funny, hahas.
afterwards xinmin came and told us about her unpleasent thing. damn kp de luhs. ==
afterthat yujie went back home watch BOF, i've decided not to watch and skip and watch some other day.
okay, then play some sort of 'catching' game, -.-
then sat down and slack, xinmin told me about the guy want jio her. ==
1 hongster okay! hais.
then around 10 plus went back, they scare me about ghost.
anyway, yixiang=laoda. hahas. :D
later meeting xinmin,
nothing special today except mum today sibei naggy. LOL.
okay, post finish le.
damn long post, no people see also nevermind, i post i shuang can le. HAHA. :D
okay, lets talk about yesterday.
was kewin's birthday, happy birthday. (:
okay, watch black&white.
damn nice can! :DD
around 430pm went to help xinmin find the blogshop people.
went back home afterthat.
around 540pm went to meet yujie at 912 bus stop then bus-ed to causeway find yixiang.
took 962 to greenwood primary find xinmin, damn hot de luhs. D:
hahas, along the way very funny, me and yujie wore the same shirt, then laugh laugh. (:
met xinmin in greenwood, damn weird de can!
i is co de then i not inside then go there.. ==
actually want to go to see their performance but can't get in, so we went to causeway eat and walk walk.
at night, walked to tekong to slack, hahas, we play the turn around thing then very giddy, yixiang damn funny, hahas.
afterwards xinmin came and told us about her unpleasent thing. damn kp de luhs. ==
afterthat yujie went back home watch BOF, i've decided not to watch and skip and watch some other day.
okay, then play some sort of 'catching' game, -.-
then sat down and slack, xinmin told me about the guy want jio her. ==
1 hongster okay! hais.
then around 10 plus went back, they scare me about ghost.
anyway, yixiang=laoda. hahas. :D
later meeting xinmin,
nothing special today except mum today sibei naggy. LOL.
okay, post finish le.
damn long post, no people see also nevermind, i post i shuang can le. HAHA. :D
changed, changed and changed.
back to posting.
today was national day celebration.
went to school at around 715am.
prepare prepare then went to perform.
hais, xiasuey lehs. ==
okay, skipped.
after release, went back to class find janice chua and jiaqi.
saw don also.
actually want to ask janice want go out anot, then saw don then sua.
then me, xinmin & jiaqi went to mr jung.
walked with them to vista then bused with xinmin home.
while on bus, saw benson, again.
oh ya, morning he went to xinmin house there wait for her. (:
went back home and now using computer.
xinmin, must make decision fast okay?
Hope you can make your right choice and will not regret, (:
Guy, you too, must appreciate and retrieve hard for what you want.
Janice, changed, changed and changed, but i am slowly getting use to it. (:
Jiaqi, cheerup, money can earn back de. :D
shihui, jiayou on your percussion, twinneh. <3
okay, thats all, bye. (:
today was national day celebration.
went to school at around 715am.
prepare prepare then went to perform.
hais, xiasuey lehs. ==
okay, skipped.
after release, went back to class find janice chua and jiaqi.
saw don also.
actually want to ask janice want go out anot, then saw don then sua.
then me, xinmin & jiaqi went to mr jung.
walked with them to vista then bused with xinmin home.
while on bus, saw benson, again.
oh ya, morning he went to xinmin house there wait for her. (:
went back home and now using computer.
xinmin, must make decision fast okay?
Hope you can make your right choice and will not regret, (:
Guy, you too, must appreciate and retrieve hard for what you want.
Janice, changed, changed and changed, but i am slowly getting use to it. (:
Jiaqi, cheerup, money can earn back de. :D
shihui, jiayou on your percussion, twinneh. <3
okay, thats all, bye. (:
What can i do?
What can i do?
Everything had changed since last time.
hais, its fate, shall not elaborate further.
today is normal.
science and maths exam.
science quite difficult but maths quite easy. :B
1st time think math is easy. ((:
changed blogskin since monday(?)
comments please. hahas.
had sectional after school for 30min nia because i late for 30min. ==
disappointed today, but who cares?
tomorrow thursday, got CO.
sian-ed. CO, CO.& CO.
okay, nevermind.
jiaqi's birthday is coming!
what to buy for her leh?
ask her to tell gold to celebrate their birthday together she dont want, wonder what he looks like, hahas, told jiaqi when we help her celebrate her birthday tell gold come, she also dont want. -.-!
okay, nevermind bah, keep my curiousity to myself.
SS501 world concert tour who is going?
contact me as i finding someone to go with me IF i can go. :D
Everything had changed since last time.
hais, its fate, shall not elaborate further.
today is normal.
science and maths exam.
science quite difficult but maths quite easy. :B
1st time think math is easy. ((:
changed blogskin since monday(?)
comments please. hahas.
had sectional after school for 30min nia because i late for 30min. ==
disappointed today, but who cares?
tomorrow thursday, got CO.
sian-ed. CO, CO.& CO.
okay, nevermind.
jiaqi's birthday is coming!
what to buy for her leh?
ask her to tell gold to celebrate their birthday together she dont want, wonder what he looks like, hahas, told jiaqi when we help her celebrate her birthday tell gold come, she also dont want. -.-!
okay, nevermind bah, keep my curiousity to myself.
SS501 world concert tour who is going?
contact me as i finding someone to go with me IF i can go. :D
Boys over flower
yay! found 1 blogshop that sell ko3anguo watch that is $20. (:
okay, lets post about today.
went to meet janice, xinmin and jiaqi at causeway.
went to library, hope can do some revision but cant and slacked all the way. D:
around 6 walked to tekong slacked awhile then went home.
I've decided, oreo crush the best.
watched finish BOF, nice lahs! <3 Yijeong&Jihoo very shuai! <33333
huachi-ing.. okay,
return to topic.
exam coming le. must study tomorrow! (:
okay, must jiayou for exam.
SS501, ❤
okay, lets post about today.
went to meet janice, xinmin and jiaqi at causeway.
went to library, hope can do some revision but cant and slacked all the way. D:
around 6 walked to tekong slacked awhile then went home.
I've decided, oreo crush the best.
watched finish BOF, nice lahs! <3 Yijeong&Jihoo very shuai! <33333
huachi-ing.. okay,
return to topic.
exam coming le. must study tomorrow! (:
okay, must jiayou for exam.
SS501, ❤
Missing! DD:
no go school today.
1245 like that went down to look for xinmin and benson.
me and xinmin bus-ed to causeway to find shihui, jiaqi & janice.
yujie came afterthat.
they ate finish mac then went to library.
halfway benson and yixiang came.
yixiang had that "seoul garden" smell on him. -.-
benson and shihui went afterwards.
slacked all the way, still the same, funny as last time. :D
my k750i the cover missing! DDDDD:
around 645pm went back to causeway buy bubbletea then went home.
tomorrow saturday! :D
wonder to do tomorrow.
Finding ko3anguo simen watch(plastic), <$20, if got preorder no need wait too long. (:
Http:// < press! support . (:
1245 like that went down to look for xinmin and benson.
me and xinmin bus-ed to causeway to find shihui, jiaqi & janice.
yujie came afterthat.
they ate finish mac then went to library.
halfway benson and yixiang came.
yixiang had that "seoul garden" smell on him. -.-
benson and shihui went afterwards.
slacked all the way, still the same, funny as last time. :D
my k750i the cover missing! DDDDD:
around 645pm went back to causeway buy bubbletea then went home.
tomorrow saturday! :D
wonder to do tomorrow.
Finding ko3anguo simen watch(plastic), <$20, if got preorder no need wait too long. (:
Http:// < press! support . (:
everything had changed.
today didnt go co as having stomach cramp. :/
okays, today school as usual, nothing to do as per usual.
mum went to malaysia yesterday. hahas. :D
jiaqi say after common test then can see what gold looks like. O:
hahas, anything, can see can liaos. xD
tomorrow maybe not going to school(?)
hais, stomach cramp-ing.. -.-
okay, erm, still can post what lehs.
next week common test le lehs, janice chua wenli!
last time tell you come out to study then no matter how tired you are you will still come out study de, but now you always say see first then in the end no come out le. -.-
oh ya, suddenly remembered.
hahas, funny.
yesterday after co, me and xinmin went to library.
around 5+ huisian and jiaqi went off first left me, xinmin, yixiang and samuel.
Okay, from then on, its really funny, xinmin keep on laughing.
when samuel go home le, xinmin draw on yixiang's calculator, then yixiang didn't realised, and when he took his calculator to press on something and he turn his calculator around he still didn't notice.
Laugh die us. hahas. :D
then 740 went home.
mood today sibei happy, :D
lols, okay, stop posting, i know its all crapszxcv, but who cares? I shuang liaos when i post. (:
byes freaks! :D
okays, today school as usual, nothing to do as per usual.
mum went to malaysia yesterday. hahas. :D
jiaqi say after common test then can see what gold looks like. O:
hahas, anything, can see can liaos. xD
tomorrow maybe not going to school(?)
hais, stomach cramp-ing.. -.-
okay, erm, still can post what lehs.
next week common test le lehs, janice chua wenli!
last time tell you come out to study then no matter how tired you are you will still come out study de, but now you always say see first then in the end no come out le. -.-
oh ya, suddenly remembered.
hahas, funny.
yesterday after co, me and xinmin went to library.
around 5+ huisian and jiaqi went off first left me, xinmin, yixiang and samuel.
Okay, from then on, its really funny, xinmin keep on laughing.
when samuel go home le, xinmin draw on yixiang's calculator, then yixiang didn't realised, and when he took his calculator to press on something and he turn his calculator around he still didn't notice.
Laugh die us. hahas. :D
then 740 went home.
mood today sibei happy, :D
lols, okay, stop posting, i know its all crapszxcv, but who cares? I shuang liaos when i post. (:
byes freaks! :D
What is really a true friendship?
okays, lets start. today at last took back my phone. (:
went tampines with xinmin, janice and yujie.
sms-ed jiaqi where is she, she say with gold they all at amk.
okays, anything.
went tampines walk walk awhile then went back woodlands le with janice while xinmin they all went to paya lebar.
watching boys over flower now, trying to get the password. hahas.
okay, is the password shen hua gao zhong?
i also dont know, i type in in english also, i dont know can anot, who ask this lousy laptop no chinese. -.-
❤ boys over flower! Junpyo, Yijeong & Jihoo. x3 . :D
went tampines with xinmin, janice and yujie.
sms-ed jiaqi where is she, she say with gold they all at amk.
okays, anything.
went tampines walk walk awhile then went back woodlands le with janice while xinmin they all went to paya lebar.
watching boys over flower now, trying to get the password. hahas.
okay, is the password shen hua gao zhong?
i also dont know, i type in in english also, i dont know can anot, who ask this lousy laptop no chinese. -.-
❤ boys over flower! Junpyo, Yijeong & Jihoo. x3 . :D
Eclipse! D:
post for fun as nothing to do now anyway.
school as usual today, but today feel like sleeping the whole day as the weather is too good.
can't see the eclipse today. DDDDDDD:
ms seow say 60 years once?
so must wait till i 74 years old. -.-
hahas, today 1245 release.
jiaqi followed huisian to pasir ris to meet 1 blogshop people.
LOL, she say got people say huisian chiobu. HAHA.
okokays, went to causeway, called yujie and go meet her.
walkwalk, around 230 go boots and shoes outside meet xinmin.
waited for her blogshop people.
around 4 like that went to my house then after that went to tekong.
slacked and revise.
home at 640pm.
jiayou for tomorrow science test! (:
co and english remedial tomorrow. -.-
school as usual today, but today feel like sleeping the whole day as the weather is too good.
can't see the eclipse today. DDDDDDD:
ms seow say 60 years once?
so must wait till i 74 years old. -.-
hahas, today 1245 release.
jiaqi followed huisian to pasir ris to meet 1 blogshop people.
LOL, she say got people say huisian chiobu. HAHA.
okokays, went to causeway, called yujie and go meet her.
walkwalk, around 230 go boots and shoes outside meet xinmin.
waited for her blogshop people.
around 4 like that went to my house then after that went to tekong.
slacked and revise.
home at 640pm.
jiayou for tomorrow science test! (:
co and english remedial tomorrow. -.-
go school as per normal today.
nothing happen much.
today timetable and tomorrow timetable had swap as tomorrow is o level exam.
today had co!
so bored siol.
jaiqi told me about how her friends so shuai, make me have the urge to see them. :x
tomorrow eclipse, the readers digest said is 8.41am and 9.44am can see it in singapore.
left $20 for my phone. (:
short post today. (:
lazy, doing science homework now.
currently learning korean language. :D
nothing happen much.
today timetable and tomorrow timetable had swap as tomorrow is o level exam.
today had co!
so bored siol.
jaiqi told me about how her friends so shuai, make me have the urge to see them. :x
tomorrow eclipse, the readers digest said is 8.41am and 9.44am can see it in singapore.
left $20 for my phone. (:
short post today. (:
lazy, doing science homework now.
currently learning korean language. :D
are you that perfect too?
you have no right to say me when you didnt even think of yourself, are you that perfect too?
if you say that you are 100% perfect, i have nothing to say as you are such a bhb.
when you scold me why dont you think of yourself?
you are a bitch/bastard/sucker? O:
had deleted the column you tagged me.
i dont have too much time to care for your stupid childish behaviour.
just one thing for you :
you are just childish. (:
okay, lets continue.
today at last friday le! :D
brother went for BBQ for 2 day.
so happy! (:
nothing much happen today,
erm, let me think.
oh ya, today got spot check.
teacher scolded us(girls) for our hair.
erm, today PE went for height and weight,
i have not grown taller. :x
wanting to get back my phone!
$45 left for my phone..
hais, save money bah.
told dad i wanted to buy that geum jandi's bag, he say wait till next month.
-.- !
Erm, still got what thing to say leh?
oh ya, i've change my blog song, for fun. (:
tomorrow going for that job, don't know what time.
qidai-ing ~ (:
if you say that you are 100% perfect, i have nothing to say as you are such a bhb.
when you scold me why dont you think of yourself?
you are a bitch/bastard/sucker? O:
had deleted the column you tagged me.
i dont have too much time to care for your stupid childish behaviour.
just one thing for you :
you are just childish. (:
okay, lets continue.
today at last friday le! :D
brother went for BBQ for 2 day.
so happy! (:
nothing much happen today,
erm, let me think.
oh ya, today got spot check.
teacher scolded us(girls) for our hair.
erm, today PE went for height and weight,
i have not grown taller. :x
wanting to get back my phone!
$45 left for my phone..
hais, save money bah.
told dad i wanted to buy that geum jandi's bag, he say wait till next month.
-.- !
Erm, still got what thing to say leh?
oh ya, i've change my blog song, for fun. (:
tomorrow going for that job, don't know what time.
qidai-ing ~ (:
back to posting .
school has started , teachers had changed .
mrs puah is gone , now is ms sim who take us and co-form teacher .
never saw that co-form teachers before as he is quarantined . LOL .
Michael Jackson had dead ,
his dancing is so fantastic .
LOL , jiro is acting one new show , then he cut his hair short . .____.
yujie say kimbum is her boyf.
LOL , he is shuai .
now crazing over F3(minho, hyunjoong and kimbum) . -.-
today is xinmin and yixiang's first month , happy first month .
erm , still got what to say ?
oh , today teacher tell us to write questions .
1 of the question is about who is your best friends ?
i thought teacher say can write 2 people or things nia then i put xinmin and yueyue .
then in the end can put how many we like also can . -.-
okays , shall not post liao . (:
school has started , teachers had changed .
mrs puah is gone , now is ms sim who take us and co-form teacher .
never saw that co-form teachers before as he is quarantined . LOL .
Michael Jackson had dead ,
his dancing is so fantastic .
LOL , jiro is acting one new show , then he cut his hair short . .____.
yujie say kimbum is her boyf.
LOL , he is shuai .
now crazing over F3(minho, hyunjoong and kimbum) . -.-
today is xinmin and yixiang's first month , happy first month .
erm , still got what to say ?
oh , today teacher tell us to write questions .
1 of the question is about who is your best friends ?
i thought teacher say can write 2 people or things nia then i put xinmin and yueyue .
then in the end can put how many we like also can . -.-
okays , shall not post liao . (:
now blogging at yujie's house .
just post for fun . (:
later going woodlands centre with yujie and janice .
zzz , school going to start soon .
hope H1N1 hit higher then no need to go school . :x
hahas , yesterday made sushi with huisian , xinmin and janice .
xinmin's gave yixiang , janice's gave don , mine i share with them , huisian say she want give her future boyf. -.-
fun ! but the guys say the seaweed is hard , LOL .
hahas , went back home at 8 , saw janice leftover sushi , told don whether he wants anot , he say of course , but janice told me to throw away . -.-
went to find them at 888 at 915 like that , gave him and went home .
LOL , shall not post further , byes . (:
just post for fun . (:
later going woodlands centre with yujie and janice .
zzz , school going to start soon .
hope H1N1 hit higher then no need to go school . :x
hahas , yesterday made sushi with huisian , xinmin and janice .
xinmin's gave yixiang , janice's gave don , mine i share with them , huisian say she want give her future boyf. -.-
fun ! but the guys say the seaweed is hard , LOL .
hahas , went back home at 8 , saw janice leftover sushi , told don whether he wants anot , he say of course , but janice told me to throw away . -.-
went to find them at 888 at 915 like that , gave him and went home .
LOL , shall not post further , byes . (:
shall post for yesterday and today .
yesterday janice and yujie came my house ton .
used comp , saw something . :x
around 510am like that sleep till 8am .
they went back at around 9 plus then i few minutes later went back to sleep till1230 .
me and don can't contact janice so decided to go her house find her .
met him at cwp around 2 plus like that then bus-ed to janice house .
when reached her house , saw her sister at home . O:
then told her to wake up janice , hahas .
don was avoiding her sister , then i told her sister he was afraid of her .
hahas , :D
around 4 plus walk to 888 buy something to eat then slacked at 601 .
don's friend came .
at there slack slack till 640 like that went to my house play mahjong .
at around 8 went down to 888 with them , went kfc find xinmin and huisian .
saw xinmin wearing the same shirt as me ? O:
xiasuey .. -.-
went back home .
when i reached home , kena nag my mum .
she said her friend saw me with gang together , then like wtfzxcv ?
i where got , fuckzxcv .
sua , shall not elaborate further .
went to sleep around 12 .
today kena woke up by mum .
she told my dad everything .
-.- , then started to nag again .
suazxcv , like crazy dog like that , didn't care her too much .
stuck at home , banned from going out .
fuckzxcv , rottening !
anybody can help me ? D:
yesterday janice and yujie came my house ton .
used comp , saw something . :x
around 510am like that sleep till 8am .
they went back at around 9 plus then i few minutes later went back to sleep till1230 .
me and don can't contact janice so decided to go her house find her .
met him at cwp around 2 plus like that then bus-ed to janice house .
when reached her house , saw her sister at home . O:
then told her to wake up janice , hahas .
don was avoiding her sister , then i told her sister he was afraid of her .
hahas , :D
around 4 plus walk to 888 buy something to eat then slacked at 601 .
don's friend came .
at there slack slack till 640 like that went to my house play mahjong .
at around 8 went down to 888 with them , went kfc find xinmin and huisian .
saw xinmin wearing the same shirt as me ? O:
xiasuey .. -.-
went back home .
when i reached home , kena nag my mum .
she said her friend saw me with gang together , then like wtfzxcv ?
i where got , fuckzxcv .
sua , shall not elaborate further .
went to sleep around 12 .
today kena woke up by mum .
she told my dad everything .
-.- , then started to nag again .
suazxcv , like crazy dog like that , didn't care her too much .
stuck at home , banned from going out .
fuckzxcv , rottening !
anybody can help me ? D:
hi , post for fun . (:
my blog is dead , but who cares . :B
currently at janice's house posting .
later going to fareast with yuji and janice .
yesterday saw xinmin wear tanktop , i felt she wear tanktop nicer , look more matured . :D
lots of things happen during june holiday siol .
shall not crap further , makes me feel sad when thinking of it . D:
tomorrow going to the mac job with xinmin .
yesterday told her that maybe we can meet 4 times each week ?
then she say school reopen then can le .
heard that still need to wait till school reopen then sad . ))))))))))):
hope can meetup often like before . (:
shall post until here .
last long for xinmin and janice . (:
my blog is dead , but who cares . :B
currently at janice's house posting .
later going to fareast with yuji and janice .
yesterday saw xinmin wear tanktop , i felt she wear tanktop nicer , look more matured . :D
lots of things happen during june holiday siol .
shall not crap further , makes me feel sad when thinking of it . D:
tomorrow going to the mac job with xinmin .
yesterday told her that maybe we can meet 4 times each week ?
then she say school reopen then can le .
heard that still need to wait till school reopen then sad . ))))))))))):
hope can meetup often like before . (:
shall post until here .
last long for xinmin and janice . (:
today maybe going to pei xinmin go polyclinic .
yesterday chatted with xinmin and don till 12.30am , but xinmin kup first .
xinmin , dont let other get the chance yeah .
later around 1 go meet huisian they all to get report books from jiaying outside school .
wondering janice is alright anot .
maybe later if janice still unwell , we going her house to give her ?
since nothing to do anyway . (:
yay ! holiday le !
i 4 june going malaysia , hahas . ;D
heard that today is magdalene puah last day in wgs .
0.0 ?
and heard that atiqah cried because of that . -.-
should i be happy or should i be sad ?
hais ~
maybe my phone want kena confiscated le , bill burst . -.-
post till here bahs , lazy . ;x
yesterday chatted with xinmin and don till 12.30am , but xinmin kup first .
xinmin , dont let other get the chance yeah .
later around 1 go meet huisian they all to get report books from jiaying outside school .
wondering janice is alright anot .
maybe later if janice still unwell , we going her house to give her ?
since nothing to do anyway . (:
yay ! holiday le !
i 4 june going malaysia , hahas . ;D
heard that today is magdalene puah last day in wgs .
0.0 ?
and heard that atiqah cried because of that . -.-
should i be happy or should i be sad ?
hais ~
maybe my phone want kena confiscated le , bill burst . -.-
post till here bahs , lazy . ;x
Just post for fun as nothing to do now .
went to school as usual .
in science class sat with janice , she say she was sick .
i told her want to go sickbay , she said dont want .
okay , maths class .
i felt sick , then i tell huisian touch my forehead .
she say i got fever .
janice chua spread to me ? -.-
after presentation went down to sickbay with janice .
at sickbay , don came to find janice .
he kena scolded by ms thia in the end . -.-
rest for awhile then wanted to go home with janice but the people dont allow . -'-
waited for dad in sickbay alone .
went back home and slept for 7 hours .
when mum came back , she said i got H1N1 . -.- !!
then when go see doctor , only normal fever .
she cursed me . LOL .
staying at home rottening . -.-
no sick le ! (:
worried about janice chua siol .
i 11 in the morning started to call her till 6 in the evening but she no answer . -.-
around 4 plus went out to find huisian they all at vista .
walked till vista park slacked slacked .
after co xinmin came to find us .
i was so unwell luhs when i first started reaching vista park .
zzz .
around 7 plus janice finally called !
she sounds really sick uh .
hais , get well soon yeah .
went to school as usual .
in science class sat with janice , she say she was sick .
i told her want to go sickbay , she said dont want .
okay , maths class .
i felt sick , then i tell huisian touch my forehead .
she say i got fever .
janice chua spread to me ? -.-
after presentation went down to sickbay with janice .
at sickbay , don came to find janice .
he kena scolded by ms thia in the end . -.-
rest for awhile then wanted to go home with janice but the people dont allow . -'-
waited for dad in sickbay alone .
went back home and slept for 7 hours .
when mum came back , she said i got H1N1 . -.- !!
then when go see doctor , only normal fever .
she cursed me . LOL .
staying at home rottening . -.-
no sick le ! (:
worried about janice chua siol .
i 11 in the morning started to call her till 6 in the evening but she no answer . -.-
around 4 plus went out to find huisian they all at vista .
walked till vista park slacked slacked .
after co xinmin came to find us .
i was so unwell luhs when i first started reaching vista park .
zzz .
around 7 plus janice finally called !
she sounds really sick uh .
hais , get well soon yeah .
Had deleted the post of huisian .
Janice and JiaQi is now at my house and its 3 in the morning .
heehees . :B
so peifu myself today .
i can read finish a chinese novel in 4 hours of 265 pages . :D
arouind 5 meet jiaqi at cwp and went to make the mug .
at last , cwp have , no need to go jurong le . (:
then went to find xinmin and janice at 4th floor .
sit sit awhile then go buy mother's day present .
me , jiaqi and xinmin shared roses .
xinmin gave 1 rose to her 'mummy' and thats janice .
hahas .
then afterthat go home .
around 7 plus go 888 the kfc eat .
went to rc after that .
slacked till 11 jiaqi went home to take her things then janice came to my house .
my mother actually dont let de , but who cares . (:
then now janice and jiaqi doing art . (:
Janice and JiaQi is now at my house and its 3 in the morning .
heehees . :B
so peifu myself today .
i can read finish a chinese novel in 4 hours of 265 pages . :D
arouind 5 meet jiaqi at cwp and went to make the mug .
at last , cwp have , no need to go jurong le . (:
then went to find xinmin and janice at 4th floor .
sit sit awhile then go buy mother's day present .
me , jiaqi and xinmin shared roses .
xinmin gave 1 rose to her 'mummy' and thats janice .
hahas .
then afterthat go home .
around 7 plus go 888 the kfc eat .
went to rc after that .
slacked till 11 jiaqi went home to take her things then janice came to my house .
my mother actually dont let de , but who cares . (:
then now janice and jiaqi doing art . (:
hello . ;D
nowadays went to study , but also slacking . (:
today woke up at 8+ .
watch 学警狙击 , so nice . (:
after that chatted with xinmin .
meet her and janice at 1+ .
went to study , but no mood . O.O
saw joli and majorie .
around 2+ , yixiang they all came .
played truth or dare .
hahas (:
so funny .
they all say janice so brave . ;D
slacked till 6 then go cwp .
went to mac eat .
slack slack slack at mac .
talk talk ..
the vincent so funny , hamster .
the yixiang say xinmin look like hamtaro then xinmin say he looks like the pokemon "psyduck'' .
hahas . ;D
slack till 915 me , xinmin and janice left as i want to go home watch ToGetHer .
ok , watched .
the passcode came out but i was too late and this stupid laptop no chinese !
told xinmin to help me write , but still cannot see !
lost the chance le , must wait for next week . D:
next week last episode le , so sad .
tomorrow maybe go study with xinmin they all again . (:
post till here , byes ~ :DDDD
nowadays went to study , but also slacking . (:
today woke up at 8+ .
watch 学警狙击 , so nice . (:
after that chatted with xinmin .
meet her and janice at 1+ .
went to study , but no mood . O.O
saw joli and majorie .
around 2+ , yixiang they all came .
played truth or dare .
hahas (:
so funny .
they all say janice so brave . ;D
slacked till 6 then go cwp .
went to mac eat .
slack slack slack at mac .
talk talk ..
the vincent so funny , hamster .
the yixiang say xinmin look like hamtaro then xinmin say he looks like the pokemon "psyduck'' .
hahas . ;D
slack till 915 me , xinmin and janice left as i want to go home watch ToGetHer .
ok , watched .
the passcode came out but i was too late and this stupid laptop no chinese !
told xinmin to help me write , but still cannot see !
lost the chance le , must wait for next week . D:
next week last episode le , so sad .
tomorrow maybe go study with xinmin they all again . (:
post till here , byes ~ :DDDD
sick on thursday and friday . D:
so xingku ..
hahas . ;D
but i now OK le . ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
lets talk about today .
walked to xinmin house bus stop .
waited ~
O.O .. she and huisian bought 1 big soft toy for janice . hahas . ;D
meet up with huisian and janice at cwp .
o.o , they all wear halter .
then they wear hoodie outside mahs , they xian very hot . ;x
hahas . ;D
went to B1 to buy cake , chosed 1 chocolate cake . (:
yujie came . (:
went to popular then share twilight with yujie for janice .
went to timezone take neoprint .
hahas (:
janice treat .
in some pictures , janice looked like laoda . (:
maybe can found those pics in xinmin , janice or yujie's blog .
wonder why no pics in my blog ?
-lazy to post pics
-not zilian kind so very sians .
lets continue .
afterwards went to janice's house .
used computer for awhile then go cut cake .
janice they all at there zilian , bai post then i be cameraman !~
so fun !
around 630 walked home .
was a fun and long day today .
3 more days to xinmin's birthday .
at here wish you HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY hao le as i cant post alot . (:
byes and happy birthday !!!
sick on thursday and friday . D:
so xingku ..
hahas . ;D
but i now OK le . ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
lets talk about today .
walked to xinmin house bus stop .
waited ~
O.O .. she and huisian bought 1 big soft toy for janice . hahas . ;D
meet up with huisian and janice at cwp .
o.o , they all wear halter .
then they wear hoodie outside mahs , they xian very hot . ;x
hahas . ;D
went to B1 to buy cake , chosed 1 chocolate cake . (:
yujie came . (:
went to popular then share twilight with yujie for janice .
went to timezone take neoprint .
hahas (:
janice treat .
in some pictures , janice looked like laoda . (:
maybe can found those pics in xinmin , janice or yujie's blog .
wonder why no pics in my blog ?
-lazy to post pics
-not zilian kind so very sians .
lets continue .
afterwards went to janice's house .
used computer for awhile then go cut cake .
janice they all at there zilian , bai post then i be cameraman !~
so fun !
around 630 walked home .
was a fun and long day today .
3 more days to xinmin's birthday .
at here wish you HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY hao le as i cant post alot . (:
byes and happy birthday !!!
hello . :D
here to post .
watch ToGetHer now .
MARS is so shuai ! <3
hahas (:
erm , lets talk about today .
today mum woke me up at 7+ then give me my phone back . :B
she went to malaysia afterwards , told her to buy fahrenheit things for me . (:
at around 1 plus went to cwp find xinmin and huisian .
went to popular to buy danson's disc .
pok le . :(
but worth it lahs . :D
then janice came .
we went up and down in cwp then at last go to library .
find book then slack slack ..
find book then slack slack ..
after that went home .
pictures of loved !

hello . :D
here to post again . (:
meet with wenyi then took mrt to imm .
wore the FC tee . :B
730 go report for queueing .
after that we are moved to garden plaza .
seated infront .
waited till 3+ .
at last ! fahrenheit come !
hahas :D
super high siol !
took alot of pics .
jiro and aaron so shuai !
love jiro ! <3
after blahsblahs , autograph session time !
went up and shake hands with them !
damn fucking happy and high can !
gave jiro letter . (:
went down then go find the charity thing .
cannot find , then thought is inside then go up 4th floor queue again .
at last found then wenyi say she want go queue again .
so go queued .
but we queue till half then they want go toilet go squeezed out .
saw hsiazhen . (: hi !
went outside the queue waited for fahrenheit to come back .
they came back le , at last !
i shouted "DADONG!" damn loud then he look at me and wave and put a -peace- sign .
OMGGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!
hahas :D
then they go back autograph luhs .
stayed there for awhile then go back meet xinmin .
damn high one . (:
pei her eat kfc at 888 then went home .
you are so fucking idiot bitchy .
daddy lend me the camera why you want to take !
you sibei fucking siol !
took the memory stick away then went out of house with clothes !
ni ping shen me zhe yang zuo !
I HATE YOU !!!!!!!!!!
daddy also blame me for it but its not my fault .
fuck this family !
I HATE THIS FAMILY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my fahrenheit photo all inside ... awww ... sadded .. :'(
here to post again . (:
meet with wenyi then took mrt to imm .
wore the FC tee . :B
730 go report for queueing .
after that we are moved to garden plaza .
seated infront .
waited till 3+ .
at last ! fahrenheit come !
hahas :D
super high siol !
took alot of pics .
jiro and aaron so shuai !
love jiro ! <3
after blahsblahs , autograph session time !
went up and shake hands with them !
damn fucking happy and high can !
gave jiro letter . (:
went down then go find the charity thing .
cannot find , then thought is inside then go up 4th floor queue again .
at last found then wenyi say she want go queue again .
so go queued .
but we queue till half then they want go toilet go squeezed out .
saw hsiazhen . (: hi !
went outside the queue waited for fahrenheit to come back .
they came back le , at last !
i shouted "DADONG!" damn loud then he look at me and wave and put a -peace- sign .
OMGGGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!
hahas :D
then they go back autograph luhs .
stayed there for awhile then go back meet xinmin .
damn high one . (:
pei her eat kfc at 888 then went home .
you are so fucking idiot bitchy .
daddy lend me the camera why you want to take !
you sibei fucking siol !
took the memory stick away then went out of house with clothes !
ni ping shen me zhe yang zuo !
I HATE YOU !!!!!!!!!!
daddy also blame me for it but its not my fault .
fuck this family !
I HATE THIS FAMILY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my fahrenheit photo all inside ... awww ... sadded .. :'(
today was a fun day .
at 2 , met up with huisian , xinmin and janice .
went to partyworld .
omg ? the people say each people $14.30 .
then we decide not to go le . LOL .
after that take mrt to orchard .
lost .
dont know how to go to far east .
call-ed mum .
at last found-ed .
went shopping .
xinmin they all bought halter .
they wear le very chio siol . :B
then got people want take number from huisian . :B
we play then huisian angry . .__________.
ok , chase after her but she walk too fast .
then we go back to woodlands and went back home .
now at tongtong house . :x
hahas (:
post till here bahs .
next time then post . (:
<3 Jiro and Danson . (((:
at 2 , met up with huisian , xinmin and janice .
went to partyworld .
omg ? the people say each people $14.30 .
then we decide not to go le . LOL .
after that take mrt to orchard .
lost .
dont know how to go to far east .
call-ed mum .
at last found-ed .
went shopping .
xinmin they all bought halter .
they wear le very chio siol . :B
then got people want take number from huisian . :B
we play then huisian angry . .__________.
ok , chase after her but she walk too fast .
then we go back to woodlands and went back home .
now at tongtong house . :x
hahas (:
post till here bahs .
next time then post . (:
<3 Jiro and Danson . (((:
Now at xinmin house posting (:
very happy this 2 days ! although got some sad things also . ):
went to meet xinmin and shihui first then go co .
zzz . co so sians .
then the music exchange till 2210 , then i was like WTF ?
the form say 930 de . -.-
ok , nvm .
walked home with xinmin .
reached home .
when i want to go shower , saw cockroach in the toilet !
called my mum to kill it . ;x
alot of cockroaches siol .
should spray the insecticide . (:
Then all die ! :B
before going shower , my mum gave me the fahrenheit gai-ban !
i no need buy myself le .
now just need to buy danson's disc can le . (:
meet with xinmin to go 888 to het the psp fixed .
but too expensive . ;x
after that went to cwp .
xinmin meet 1 blogshop people .
xinmin say she also love dadong ! <3
hahas (:
then on the ToGetHer cwp autograph session she shout dadong then he looked at her .
hahas (;
so xian mu . ;x
ok , after that go put the lucky draw form .
at arnd 345 meet the danson fc people .
heehees . :B
got the membership card . (: <333
after that go buy coke then go xinmin house .
long time no post le . o.o
will try to post if i can use comp . :D
byes ~
very happy this 2 days ! although got some sad things also . ):
went to meet xinmin and shihui first then go co .
zzz . co so sians .
then the music exchange till 2210 , then i was like WTF ?
the form say 930 de . -.-
ok , nvm .
walked home with xinmin .
reached home .
when i want to go shower , saw cockroach in the toilet !
called my mum to kill it . ;x
alot of cockroaches siol .
should spray the insecticide . (:
Then all die ! :B
before going shower , my mum gave me the fahrenheit gai-ban !
i no need buy myself le .
now just need to buy danson's disc can le . (:
meet with xinmin to go 888 to het the psp fixed .
but too expensive . ;x
after that went to cwp .
xinmin meet 1 blogshop people .
xinmin say she also love dadong ! <3
hahas (:
then on the ToGetHer cwp autograph session she shout dadong then he looked at her .
hahas (;
so xian mu . ;x
ok , after that go put the lucky draw form .
at arnd 345 meet the danson fc people .
heehees . :B
got the membership card . (: <333
after that go buy coke then go xinmin house .
long time no post le . o.o
will try to post if i can use comp . :D
byes ~
now at jiujiu house posting . (:
morning actually want to pon mass run but at last got survey to do .
jiaqi and shihui pon school for 3 days for only shoulder pain ?
hais ..
paikia . :B
after went to vista then go to my house with joli , janice and xinmin play mahjong .
i won .
but played a few rounds nia .
hais .
after that joli want to go home le then they also go home .
i accompany them go 7-11 .
janice = juan nv ren .
a nickname for her from joli and xinmin . :B
after that went home download song to my mp5 .
mum bought back for me . ((:
after that went to jiujiu house to eat .
earned money . (:
post till here bahs .
you have changed .
morning actually want to pon mass run but at last got survey to do .
jiaqi and shihui pon school for 3 days for only shoulder pain ?
hais ..
paikia . :B
after went to vista then go to my house with joli , janice and xinmin play mahjong .
i won .
but played a few rounds nia .
hais .
after that joli want to go home le then they also go home .
i accompany them go 7-11 .
janice = juan nv ren .
a nickname for her from joli and xinmin . :B
after that went home download song to my mp5 .
mum bought back for me . ((:
after that went to jiujiu house to eat .
earned money . (:
post till here bahs .
you have changed .
hello :D
Today had difficulty waking up , weather so good for sleeping . (:
went to school with xinmin and janice as usual .
when reached school , chuatio !
no one at parade square .
then i realise is go back to class . -.-
want to sleep siol throughout the school time except for PE .
cher think we animals in the zoo then tell us to act like gorilla , penguin ......
hand sibei pain .
sinyee sprain till her hand .
if anything goes wrong , you are dead , cher .
after school pei joli go vista buy bubbletea then went home .
at roung 4 meet xinmin then go tekkong .
meet with zhanpeng then play cards .
when walking , saw yujie and stead .
last long long ~
Then , zhanpeng friend came .
his name is kevin .
suddenly think of joli .
after that go play badminton .
overall , xinmin win .
around 645 went home to watch television . (:
wont be posting often le .
tomorrow mother come back cannot use laptop le .
I WANT TO BUY W595 , sony erricson .
AND SATURDAY , CHL U , 2130 HRS , 爱就宅一起 !
Today had difficulty waking up , weather so good for sleeping . (:
went to school with xinmin and janice as usual .
when reached school , chuatio !
no one at parade square .
then i realise is go back to class . -.-
want to sleep siol throughout the school time except for PE .
cher think we animals in the zoo then tell us to act like gorilla , penguin ......
hand sibei pain .
sinyee sprain till her hand .
if anything goes wrong , you are dead , cher .
after school pei joli go vista buy bubbletea then went home .
at roung 4 meet xinmin then go tekkong .
meet with zhanpeng then play cards .
when walking , saw yujie and stead .
last long long ~
Then , zhanpeng friend came .
his name is kevin .
suddenly think of joli .
after that go play badminton .
overall , xinmin win .
around 645 went home to watch television . (:
wont be posting often le .
tomorrow mother come back cannot use laptop le .
I WANT TO BUY W595 , sony erricson .
AND SATURDAY , CHL U , 2130 HRS , 爱就宅一起 !
Today took back history and science paper .
lets see my results .
English : 16/25
Chinese : 42/80
Literature : 32/40
History : 17/25
Maths : 6/30
Science : 15/40
zzz .
2 most important subjects fail .
hais .
school nothing much happen .
skipped .
after school stayed at class pei xinmin copy her literature .
she late for ccm , 4 then go .
lols .
after that , bus-ed to causeway point .
waiting her khengyuan .
raining sibei heavy siol .
when we reach library , we all soaked . -.-
done my xizi there .
hahahs . :D
laughed in the library .
around 730 go took bus went home .
I hate woodgrove secondary !
I hate schooling !
I hate homework !
I hate teachers !
I hate my life !
crys ....
lets see my results .
English : 16/25
Chinese : 42/80
Literature : 32/40
History : 17/25
Maths : 6/30
Science : 15/40
zzz .
2 most important subjects fail .
hais .
school nothing much happen .
skipped .
after school stayed at class pei xinmin copy her literature .
she late for ccm , 4 then go .
lols .
after that , bus-ed to causeway point .
waiting her khengyuan .
raining sibei heavy siol .
when we reach library , we all soaked . -.-
done my xizi there .
hahahs . :D
laughed in the library .
around 730 go took bus went home .
I hate woodgrove secondary !
I hate schooling !
I hate homework !
I hate teachers !
I hate my life !
crys ....
I hate you
Hi , here to post again .
Today wasn't a bad day . {:
10 plus wake up , use laptop .
brothers watch x-family .
Jiro is so cute and Danson is so shuai !
trying to download songs when i realise ,
What the fuck !
All my songs in my phone gone !
nabeh ,
sua .
restart collecting songs . {':
changed blogskin and song .
very satisfied with it .
still editing .
erm ,
skipped .
at 3 plus walk to admiralty meet xinmin and janice .
actually want to go topup handphone but the stall missing le .
diaossss ..
Afterthat walked to 888 .
rain-ed . zzz .
whether sibei hot although raining .
hais ..
global warming .
went to buy hottis and gulp then play cards .
afterthat come to my house .
my brother always di siao .
zzz .
he sibei guailan and kp siol . -.-
wondering why i have such brother .
then they went home .
i have join-ed danson fan club ! (?)
but need to pay $20 .
but i think worth it .
xinmin and janice say i siao .
heckcare . {{:
tomorrow school le .
zzz .
need early wake up and face the baba .
hope tomorrow will be a nice day .
i hate you .
your attitude sucks ,
think you are a teacher's pet ?
you're not .
you're just a irritating little brat .
your skirt is so short that you see the mirror you dont feel disgusting ?
and don't show off when your marks are not the best .
you are a giraffe .
your neck is so long that it you can put
in the museum for exhibition like the thai long-neck .
lastly , fuck you .
Today wasn't a bad day . {:
10 plus wake up , use laptop .
brothers watch x-family .
Jiro is so cute and Danson is so shuai !
trying to download songs when i realise ,
What the fuck !
All my songs in my phone gone !
nabeh ,
sua .
restart collecting songs . {':
changed blogskin and song .
very satisfied with it .
still editing .
erm ,
skipped .
at 3 plus walk to admiralty meet xinmin and janice .
actually want to go topup handphone but the stall missing le .
diaossss ..
Afterthat walked to 888 .
rain-ed . zzz .
whether sibei hot although raining .
hais ..
global warming .
went to buy hottis and gulp then play cards .
afterthat come to my house .
my brother always di siao .
zzz .
he sibei guailan and kp siol . -.-
wondering why i have such brother .
then they went home .
i have join-ed danson fan club ! (?)
but need to pay $20 .
but i think worth it .
xinmin and janice say i siao .
heckcare . {{:
tomorrow school le .
zzz .
need early wake up and face the baba .
hope tomorrow will be a nice day .
i hate you .
your attitude sucks ,
think you are a teacher's pet ?
you're not .
you're just a irritating little brat .
your skirt is so short that you see the mirror you dont feel disgusting ?
and don't show off when your marks are not the best .
you are a giraffe .
your neck is so long that it you can put
in the museum for exhibition like the thai long-neck .
lastly , fuck you .
Dontknow why suddenly want to post , but , just post bahs .
Mother had went to guangzhou , china .
I guess her password then i correct! {:
Saw xinmin's post ,
I think ,
Is our friendship getting further and further ?
Why issit like that ?
Have i changed ?
Hope to improve on me .
Any comment to improve my attitude or behaviour just tell me and i will change .
I dontwant to lose any friendship .
We have known each other since primary 3 .
I understand you .
Hais .
Lets not talk about this .
It will improve de ,
I'm sure .
My handphone had been $0.00 since february !
Mother say she going sign 1 plan for me but till now haven't sign .
Grrr ..
❤ 爱就宅一起 !
Did anybody watched it ?
If didn't , must watch wors !
And by the way ,
anyone know Jiro and Danson coming to Singapore ?
recently want to join Danson and Jiro fanclub .
But haven't approve .
Hais .
Fan nao-ing .
Sua , fan nao also no use .
but still fan nao .
Tomorrow going meet xinmin and janice .
Hope we can go out like this often . (:
can't smile now , FAN NAO !
Hais .
I know this post is long .
Nobody read also nevermind .
I just want to say out my feelings .
Suddenly thought of him for no reason .
Hope he will be beside me .
Hope i can use computer or laptop often .
I want to revive my blog .
Tomorrow going -put money- into my phone . {:
Our class tee kns .
Its simply PLAIN .
And ,
who want to buy woodgrove carnival ticket from me contact me . (:
And lastly ,
Xinmin , last long with Khengyuan . ((:
Mother had went to guangzhou , china .
I guess her password then i correct! {:
Saw xinmin's post ,
I think ,
Is our friendship getting further and further ?
Why issit like that ?
Have i changed ?
Hope to improve on me .
Any comment to improve my attitude or behaviour just tell me and i will change .
I dontwant to lose any friendship .
We have known each other since primary 3 .
I understand you .
Hais .
Lets not talk about this .
It will improve de ,
I'm sure .
My handphone had been $0.00 since february !
Mother say she going sign 1 plan for me but till now haven't sign .
Grrr ..
❤ 爱就宅一起 !
Did anybody watched it ?
If didn't , must watch wors !
And by the way ,
anyone know Jiro and Danson coming to Singapore ?
recently want to join Danson and Jiro fanclub .
But haven't approve .
Hais .
Fan nao-ing .
Sua , fan nao also no use .
but still fan nao .
Tomorrow going meet xinmin and janice .
Hope we can go out like this often . (:
can't smile now , FAN NAO !
Hais .
I know this post is long .
Nobody read also nevermind .
I just want to say out my feelings .
Suddenly thought of him for no reason .
Hope he will be beside me .
Hope i can use computer or laptop often .
I want to revive my blog .
Tomorrow going -put money- into my phone . {:
Our class tee kns .
Its simply PLAIN .
And ,
who want to buy woodgrove carnival ticket from me contact me . (:
And lastly ,
Xinmin , last long with Khengyuan . ((:
i so sians!
lets post fer ytd n todae since ytd didnt post.
change blogskin.
around 2 mit wif xm.
walk to wrps.
wrps change color till lyk kindergarden liddat.
den wasnt lyk our old sku le.
xm took money frm jingying den walked to admiralty find huisian.
bus-ed to woodland centre.
went to see supplier of nf le den go mac.
i even area oso duno hw to find.
felt i veri stupid n failure.
den bus-ed to 883.
go dere le oso duno do wad.
den go janice hse dwnstairs slack.
den go back 883 den go back home.
8/12 ; today
woke up at 11+ .
veri good weather to slp.
but felt ppl knock till my head den woke up.
ytd dreamt till veri weird dream.
duno whether ltr gt mi wif xm anot.
i so sians!
lets post fer ytd n todae since ytd didnt post.
change blogskin.
around 2 mit wif xm.
walk to wrps.
wrps change color till lyk kindergarden liddat.
den wasnt lyk our old sku le.
xm took money frm jingying den walked to admiralty find huisian.
bus-ed to woodland centre.
went to see supplier of nf le den go mac.
i even area oso duno hw to find.
felt i veri stupid n failure.
den bus-ed to 883.
go dere le oso duno do wad.
den go janice hse dwnstairs slack.
den go back 883 den go back home.
8/12 ; today
woke up at 11+ .
veri good weather to slp.
but felt ppl knock till my head den woke up.
ytd dreamt till veri weird dream.
duno whether ltr gt mi wif xm anot.
hii ,
finally gotta post.
nothing big happen lately.
but early in th morning woke up by noise.
mum fone spoil no alarm den miss flight to vietnam.
she taking another flight in th afternoon.
den sat dad gg korea.
nwadays didnt go out much.
onli 1 tym.
see todae shuting wan mit anot?
love 黑糖群侠传 luhhs.
but some ppl sae ok nia.
wondering should go to co camp bo.
overnight lehhs.
see first bahhs.
post till here.
byes .
finally gotta post.
nothing big happen lately.
but early in th morning woke up by noise.
mum fone spoil no alarm den miss flight to vietnam.
she taking another flight in th afternoon.
den sat dad gg korea.
nwadays didnt go out much.
onli 1 tym.
see todae shuting wan mit anot?
love 黑糖群侠传 luhhs.
but some ppl sae ok nia.
wondering should go to co camp bo.
overnight lehhs.
see first bahhs.
post till here.
byes .
when did i last post?
forget it.
lets post fer ytd n todae hao le.
slpt at3+ den woke up at 9+ .
quarreled wif mii mum.
dun wanna stay at home.
went to xm hse around 12+ .
i wan download 秘密基地 , Dear Baby , 藏经阁 & 只要你还记得 .
sibei nice siol 黑糖群侠传 .
watch finish lerhhs.
the songs so nice!!
but mii usb missing!
den went mii hse take choosing of psle book den after dat go giv jiazhen.
same de mehhs?
den bus to cwp.
went library find janice they all.
played truth or dare.
mii n yujie own them 1 dare.
duno wad will they do.
walked pass kfc saw kewin.
crazy bout 黑糖群侠传 .
is realli nice.
wanna repeat 1 more tym. ^^
round 6pm went back home.
watch tv till 12 liddat no show to watch den went inside rm.
den round 1 slp.
nth to do.
secretly using laptop.
nt gg out todae.
dad n adrian go see doc fer adrian leg den go see grandpa in hospital.
suddenly hope daddy quit smoking.
cus he getting old.
he oso wun listen derhhs.
so fan nw.
post till here bahhs.
when did i last post?
forget it.
lets post fer ytd n todae hao le.
slpt at3+ den woke up at 9+ .
quarreled wif mii mum.
dun wanna stay at home.
went to xm hse around 12+ .
i wan download 秘密基地 , Dear Baby , 藏经阁 & 只要你还记得 .
sibei nice siol 黑糖群侠传 .
watch finish lerhhs.
the songs so nice!!
but mii usb missing!
den went mii hse take choosing of psle book den after dat go giv jiazhen.
same de mehhs?
den bus to cwp.
went library find janice they all.
played truth or dare.
mii n yujie own them 1 dare.
duno wad will they do.
walked pass kfc saw kewin.
crazy bout 黑糖群侠传 .
is realli nice.
wanna repeat 1 more tym. ^^
round 6pm went back home.
watch tv till 12 liddat no show to watch den went inside rm.
den round 1 slp.
nth to do.
secretly using laptop.
nt gg out todae.
dad n adrian go see doc fer adrian leg den go see grandpa in hospital.
suddenly hope daddy quit smoking.
cus he getting old.
he oso wun listen derhhs.
so fan nw.
post till here bahhs.
just come back from malaysia.
lets post bout it.
reached malaysia at 6+ den cabbed to grandparents hse.
slp till 8+ den aunt drove us to eat.
after that go nv ren jie.
dunno why called liddat but sua.
bought 1 pants, 1 belt n necklace .
blahsblahs n so on.
woke up at 10am.
nite slpt at living rm.
so kelian.
ate breakfast den go shower.
den went to parkson.
shop shop shop..
den go dunno wad place eat.
th ice kacang so nice!
den went to duno wad place.
uncle robin sae he frm pri1 skip to pri3 den 17 years old graduate frm university.
so cong bai him.
so pro.
at 1+ liddat slp.
morning mummy folo aunt go work.
we folo uncle robin go tuition center.
bought mani magazine siol.
waited fer mum they all came back.
they brought tongtong.
den go tesco shopping.
den went back eat.
den go cut hair.
hairdresser so cool!
i oso wan be..
last day lerhhs.
so sad.
btw ;
mii aunt th hse th door is auto derhhs luhhs!
so shiok!
i oso wan!!~
morning to eat.
after that went to take bus hme.
reached jb.
wallet missing.
den went hme continue watch hotshot.
sibei th nice.
den blahs.
moring woke up by dad.
den watch hotshot.
after that sians diaos den slp agn.
den suddenly hurong they all outside mii hse.
i jus woke up.
den went change clothes den went out.
walked to 888 7-11.
cf they all bought potato n gulp.
den go find xm.
cf they all suddenly walk off.
den we 3 went to cwp.
slacked while waiting fer hs.
she called sae she in library liaos.
den wnt find her luhhs.
kor sae he work at kfc.
didnt saw him while walking pass.
suddenly raining.
slacked slacked slacked.
den acc hurong to take mrt.
walked pass agn.
didnt saw him.
den we gg hme that tym xm n hs gu yi stand outside kfc see which 1 is him.
den walked to xm hse.
nw al xm hse.
end of post~
byes. {{:
just come back from malaysia.
lets post bout it.
reached malaysia at 6+ den cabbed to grandparents hse.
slp till 8+ den aunt drove us to eat.
after that go nv ren jie.
dunno why called liddat but sua.
bought 1 pants, 1 belt n necklace .
at nite go dunno wad restaurent eat.
gang hao gt ppl married.
den go tesco at nite sing karaoke.
so cheap n fun.
after that went back.
watched a movie about ahli jiejie wedding.
sibei funny.
they pray fer tongtong toy mouse.
blahsblahs n so on.
woke up at 10am.
nite slpt at living rm.
so kelian.
ate breakfast den go shower.
den went to parkson.
shop shop shop..
den go dunno wad place eat.
th ice kacang so nice!
den went to duno wad place.
uncle robin sae he frm pri1 skip to pri3 den 17 years old graduate frm university.
so cong bai him.
so pro.
at 1+ liddat slp.
morning mummy folo aunt go work.
we folo uncle robin go tuition center.
bought mani magazine siol.
waited fer mum they all came back.
they brought tongtong.
den go tesco shopping.
den went back eat.
den go cut hair.
hairdresser so cool!
i oso wan be..
last day lerhhs.
so sad.
btw ;
mii aunt th hse th door is auto derhhs luhhs!
so shiok!
i oso wan!!~
morning to eat.
after that went to take bus hme.
reached jb.
wallet missing.
den went hme continue watch hotshot.
sibei th nice.
den blahs.
moring woke up by dad.
den watch hotshot.
after that sians diaos den slp agn.
den suddenly hurong they all outside mii hse.
i jus woke up.
den went change clothes den went out.
walked to 888 7-11.
cf they all bought potato n gulp.
den go find xm.
cf they all suddenly walk off.
den we 3 went to cwp.
slacked while waiting fer hs.
she called sae she in library liaos.
den wnt find her luhhs.
kor sae he work at kfc.
didnt saw him while walking pass.
suddenly raining.
slacked slacked slacked.
den acc hurong to take mrt.
walked pass agn.
didnt saw him.
den we gg hme that tym xm n hs gu yi stand outside kfc see which 1 is him.
den walked to xm hse.
nw al xm hse.
end of post~
byes. {{:
1. Person who tagged you is?
Hweegeok. {{:
2. Your relationship with him/her.
3. Five impressions of HER.
-paikia. o.o
-cute yeahhs.
-stay beside my block. -.-
-erm. dunno.
4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you
5. Most memorable thing she had said to you?
erhhx .. idk ?
6. If SHE become your lover, you will?
shock dat i m a butch. -.-
7. If she becomes your lover, thing she has to improve on would be?
ermms.. dunno?
8. If she become your enemy, you will?
nvr tink before?
9. What is it you want to tell her now?
jiayou fer nxt year kayys? cheer up n stay happy! {{:
10. Your overall impression is?
who ??
11. How do you think people around you will feel?
emm .. idk ..
12. What do you love about yourself?
none. -.-
13. What do you hate about yourself?
14. The most ideal person you want to be
..idk .. hahas
15. For people who love and care for you, say something to them.
thanks fer everything. =x
16. People to tag:
1) xinmin
2) shuting
3) miaoling
4) janice
5) yujie
6) jiahui
7) shihui
8) kewin
9) joli
10) jiaqi
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with? - Jiahui
18. Is 9 a male or female? - Joli
Female. but she is tomboy[said by cf] :X
19. If 8 and 10 are together, would it be a good thing? - kewin and jiaqi
hahas ~~ idk
20. What is 2 studying about? - shuting
erm? wad we study luhhs? n bible. ^^
21. When was the last time you had a chat with 3? - Miaoling
msn jus nw luhhs. fone long tym liaos. -.-
22. What kind of music band does 8 like? - kewin
erhhx .. idk
23. Does 1 have any siblings? - xinmin
1 sister luhhs.
24. Will you woo 3? - miaoling
hahas:}} i tink cnnt bahhs. she's my sis!
25. How about 7? - shihui
oso cnnt. she's my twin! x/3!
26. Is 4 single? - janice
no! she stead wif zoo! heehees. last long.^^
27. What is the surname of 5? - yujie
28. What is a hobby of 10? - jiaqi
erms? nt sure? plae comp?
29. Does 5 and 9 get along well? - yujie and joli
normal fren bahhs.
30. Where is 2 studying at? - shuting
31. Talk about something for 1? - xinmin
cute n she tink she so guai but she's nt. LOL. ps.
32. Have you tried developing feelings for 8? - kewin
33. Where does 9 live? - Joli
somewhere in woodlands!
34. What colour does 4 like? - Janice
dunno? black bahhs?
35. Are 1 and 5 best friends? - xinmin and yujie
yeahhs. they are honey!
36. Does 6 have any pets? - Jiahui
Dun hav.
37. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world? - shihui
mayb ~~ HAHAS
38. What is 10 doing now? - jiaqi
dunno? maybe overseas?
ytd n todae didnt go out.
xm sae she promise herself nt to step into mii hse n nt gg out fer this week.
tmr gg work distributing flyers n icecream.
icecream tmr last day liaos.
cus dad n mum nagging all day long.
so ke xi siol i tink.
but sua liaos.
mum went out.
she sae she wan move out frm this hse.
she sae she sian liaos.
no1 listen to wad she sae.
ytd tongtong came.
xm sae she hate her.
todae auntie off day den she went out.
nwadays i slp veri long.
wanna become pig liaos.
xm n cf , last long kayys?
post till here bahhs.
Hweegeok. {{:
2. Your relationship with him/her.
3. Five impressions of HER.
-paikia. o.o
-cute yeahhs.
-stay beside my block. -.-
-erm. dunno.
4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you
5. Most memorable thing she had said to you?
erhhx .. idk ?
6. If SHE become your lover, you will?
shock dat i m a butch. -.-
7. If she becomes your lover, thing she has to improve on would be?
ermms.. dunno?
8. If she become your enemy, you will?
nvr tink before?
9. What is it you want to tell her now?
jiayou fer nxt year kayys? cheer up n stay happy! {{:
10. Your overall impression is?
who ??
11. How do you think people around you will feel?
emm .. idk ..
12. What do you love about yourself?
none. -.-
13. What do you hate about yourself?
14. The most ideal person you want to be
..idk .. hahas
15. For people who love and care for you, say something to them.
thanks fer everything. =x
16. People to tag:
1) xinmin
2) shuting
3) miaoling
4) janice
5) yujie
6) jiahui
7) shihui
8) kewin
9) joli
10) jiaqi
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with? - Jiahui
18. Is 9 a male or female? - Joli
Female. but she is tomboy[said by cf] :X
19. If 8 and 10 are together, would it be a good thing? - kewin and jiaqi
hahas ~~ idk
20. What is 2 studying about? - shuting
erm? wad we study luhhs? n bible. ^^
21. When was the last time you had a chat with 3? - Miaoling
msn jus nw luhhs. fone long tym liaos. -.-
22. What kind of music band does 8 like? - kewin
erhhx .. idk
23. Does 1 have any siblings? - xinmin
1 sister luhhs.
24. Will you woo 3? - miaoling
hahas:}} i tink cnnt bahhs. she's my sis!
25. How about 7? - shihui
oso cnnt. she's my twin! x/3!
26. Is 4 single? - janice
no! she stead wif zoo! heehees. last long.^^
27. What is the surname of 5? - yujie
28. What is a hobby of 10? - jiaqi
erms? nt sure? plae comp?
29. Does 5 and 9 get along well? - yujie and joli
normal fren bahhs.
30. Where is 2 studying at? - shuting
31. Talk about something for 1? - xinmin
cute n she tink she so guai but she's nt. LOL. ps.
32. Have you tried developing feelings for 8? - kewin
33. Where does 9 live? - Joli
somewhere in woodlands!
34. What colour does 4 like? - Janice
dunno? black bahhs?
35. Are 1 and 5 best friends? - xinmin and yujie
yeahhs. they are honey!
36. Does 6 have any pets? - Jiahui
Dun hav.
37. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world? - shihui
mayb ~~ HAHAS
38. What is 10 doing now? - jiaqi
dunno? maybe overseas?
ytd n todae didnt go out.
xm sae she promise herself nt to step into mii hse n nt gg out fer this week.
tmr gg work distributing flyers n icecream.
icecream tmr last day liaos.
cus dad n mum nagging all day long.
so ke xi siol i tink.
but sua liaos.
mum went out.
she sae she wan move out frm this hse.
she sae she sian liaos.
no1 listen to wad she sae.
ytd tongtong came.
xm sae she hate her.
todae auntie off day den she went out.
nwadays i slp veri long.
wanna become pig liaos.
xm n cf , last long kayys?
post till here bahhs.
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