yesterday was a tiring day kay!
went to work alone, sads. TT__TT
hahas, then was scolded by the mam, zzzzzzz.
key in and gave wrong things to customers. hahas.
then yongsheng helped me when alot of people, thanks him lotssssss!
he very good sial, hahas, even charmaine say so.
hahahas, then char say if he is younger she wanted to married him, LOL.
okay lahs, i also think so. hahahahahas, he damnnnnn goooooooood de looooooor!
haahas, okokay, then during break char come find me, hahahas, so nice of her. ^^
then she went back after break and i went back to work, tiring sial.
why sembawang so many bangla de, ==
okay, then 11 close counter and i count my money, yay! 1st day do own poise earned $545.20. ^^
do cleaning up and those.
zzzzzzzz, i digged up all the ice when i dont even need to, jiaqi say pour hot water in it can le, zzzzzz.
reached home about 12, ==
watched tv, say suju-m! OMG.
donghae, henry& ryeowook very cute! siwon is handsome. ^^
okay lahs, i still love my ds though.
hahahaaaas, slept at around 3-4. LOL.
just came back from causeway with yujie and jiaqi, qi go pierce ear. LOL.
i've decide not to care for anything about the person anymore, ^^
good news? bad news? i dont know. ^^
working tomorrow! xD
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